Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining
us this week we're talking irons how do you strike your irons pure how do you
stop striking the ground behind the golf ball how do you get more distance from
your irons so that you're finding that if you're finding that your irons are
bunched up you hit them some of them very similar distances how do you spread
them how do you hit them a bit further these are common questions this week
from many many of my students and the answer to those questions I'm going to
share with you exactly in this in this week's golf instruction because it really really
helped them and I'm sure it will help you too before I get into the golf lesson though
look if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos of mine please
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the driving range and go and work on it so strike in your iron well let's start
with it ultimately what are you supposed to do at the moment of impact to strike
your irons and then what we'll do is I will give you a 3-step process I'm about how
you go about achieving that so how do you strike your irons well stage
number one ultimately impact position what do you see or I see with most of my clients
who or who starts to strike their irons poorly they generally end up in
positions that are back here flicky motions so you've seen a lot of flicky
wrists you know very weak positions when are you getting this weak position here
that's going to lose power the other thing is is in this flick position here
you're moving the center of the face away from the ball and you bring in the
leading edge that's what gets the ball topping along the ground we've got to
get the face on the golf ball so that if the face hits the ball the face has loft
it's the loft that gets the ball airborne it's not you trying to help it
up in the air so we've got to get that impact position so that impact position
is we put the loft on the ball so we do that's why the handle is forward so
that's the impact position here then naturally as we're coming forward here
their hips will be open and there'll be a lot of weight on the left side all
kind of complicated stuff that we're going to make simple in a second so bear
with me so weights on your lead foot here hands forward and there's a
pressure putting on the back of that golf ball there from this angle it's
going to look something like this what you're doing is is you put your weight
on your lead foot here your hips are open here you're putting a pressure on
that ball and the pressure is going on with your trail sign here
notice this I'm not pretty pressure this way that would be real problem what I'm
doing is look at my right elbow here my trailer but I'm pushing it in would see
my right shoulders back a little bit here and I'm pushing this way this is
important now that's impact that's way too much to think about isn't it so how
do we go out about achieving that well here is step number one we want to try
to get now into the strong in position here with a handle leading we're putting
a pressure on the back of that golf ball the very first thing you need to have
you need to see shots in shapes ie curves not straight did you say that
right you don't try to hit straight right never try and hit straight shot
professionals do not try and hit straight shots they're always working in
curves you're hitting a round ball that is almost so difficult to hit straight
so the best players they're all you see on TV they're always if you see the shot
tracers they're always seeing you're always seen a curve to this ball this is
important because when we're coming into the shot here if you see the ball
straight this is what I'm seeing too much with players they end up becoming
gigantic pendulums so they're often like this when they're swinging that's going
straight back and they're going straight through when you do this watch this when
you're trying to hit a ball straight just visually look at the effect that
has on it on the body is it tends to get the body going backwards then tends to
do because your body's going backwards your hands then start to flick it's just
confusing for the body watch the difference here the however if you're
working curves I want you to imagine something what things working curves
well tennis throwing a ball frisbee discus and we're going to come to them
in a second but when you're working curves
look at the difference now watch this when I work in curves my body stays more
central as I work back around now look look how easy it is my the handle to
stay ahead of impact and go through I'm visualizing curves now if I visualize a
curve that's curving right to left now look at the difference in my body I'm
creating an arc the club's being brought around from behind me here I'm able
comfortably to keep this angle going through let's have a look at that in
action right so I'm seeing the ball always in curves this helps me create
natural rotation if I try and see the ball straight that's confusing sometimes
to the brain and it gets people almost guiding it pushing it forward
this causes loads of problems and they often become human pendulums yeah and
that really affects the strike so I want you to stretch there's one in this
process see the ball in curves I'm seeing the ball slightly right to left
I'm picturing this motion just working around just like I would do if I was
playing tennis kicking a soccer ball I'm seeing in curves yeah
creates natural motions in the body have a look at this you lovely so simple so you in order for the
body to help you in this give it really good information so start to see golf
played in curves not straight lines all right now yes it might only be a gentle
curve but it's still a curve all right now so how can you encourage is how do
we and what drill simple exercise can you do to encourage this natural curve
whilst at the same time helping you maintain the strong impact position
right I want you to imagine now if we were throwing a frisbee what would that
look like would you throw a frisbee like this
no would you throw it with the flick like this no look at the angle of my
wrist here naturally so I want you to do this if you haven't got a frisbee at
home doesn't matter just literally stand up now just imagine this just imagine
tossing a frisbee look at the shape it creates in the body look at the angles
it creates in the wrist and it will teach you how naturally to release those
angles because they have to be released at some stage watch this there's my
frisbee and then away I go simple action here really helps you to get rotation
then a rotation on the way through same now imagine this with your trail hand
discus same principle well here look we're creating shape and we're releasing
that shape and the artist this and the body watch this down here creating the
shape backwards and forwards the great thing with discus and our frisbee
whichever you prefer it just faith if you're right-handed playing golf right
hand lead no problem discus might work if you're playing right honey but you
you're left-handed well wrist B might be a real good image
for you here literally imagine that for it and then from here just imagine
you've got frisbee in your hands and you are tossing it around you don't toss it
straight these are what causes a lot of problems with striking the ground behind
the golf ball and affecting that compression so let's have a look at this
in action so I've got my frisbee I'm gonna throw that frisbee back around
and then through like that it's as simple as that now that will naturally
help you create shapes in your body it will help you stay centered you won't be
a gigantic pendulum therefore you won't be doing stuff like this now the third
and final thing is equally as important let's have a look so the third and final
thing is we've said look we want to get this strong impact position here we said
look how do you get it will you come from around the body on an arc here so
the hand path is coming from behind coming around back in look at this
helped everything stay Centered doesn't it you can only create arcs in the golf swing
if you see acts and the golf ball very hard to do that if you're seeing a golf ball
dead straight it trains the body to act almost like a pendulum style action
where your head goes behind the golf ball you start flicking it hitting the
ground behind etc so the third and final thing is I see with all top players but
very few amateurs top players start their downswing before they finished
their backswing what do I mean by that is is well watch this when they get to
about here about 3/4 of the way they am still keep going but as they're doing
this they're starting to already get onto they're on to the lead side they're
trying to reach almost recenter way too technical to think about so we can give
you a simple solution in a second but when you get here we're getting centered
when we're cutting out over the golf ball look at the day we've got a bigger
chance of one from to get more powerfully but one to get those handle
ahead and then through you do this naturally by the way if you were to
throw a ball watch this if I throw a ball my foot goes while I'm drawing my
own backs I'm starting my downswing before I've even finished this motion
because what this be polite provides the platform look platform here to throw
from so you do it when we throwing a frisbee watch we step that provides the
platform to throw from so how do you do this way to complicate it because you
can do it we need to do something really crazy now if you missed my video last
week I put it at a blank corner I gave Liam Harrison from Golf Vlogs UK a golf
lesson worked an absolute treat he thought was crazy with this golf tip but
what I didn't share last week exactly how to then scale it down so the
golf drill is the happy gilmore golf drill where all you do is this if I were to
walk to walk up and hit this shot notice this I'm stepping whilst going back I'm
getting a scent it's natural to do this because I you I need to use this
platform to hit from this is what's going to create this lag and strike so
that what you do first in this process you start big picture you literally have
some fun mess about do some happy gilmore so lets have a go at this
I'm gonna step here and I'm going to go happy with that
strike it now I struck it but I did if I didn't it doesn't matter if you top it
you miss it doesn't matter just enjoy hitting some golf balls like this and
what you'll do is you'll see on camera how slow I was and how naturally I start
that downswing uh-oh where we go what Liam turned this into when he took it
down how he took it to the golf course is he knew he couldn't think of all that
stuff so what he did was he then had two or three of these exercises just before
he goes his walk and away he goes so then he just go to the golf ball get
himself set and hit away now that what we can't rationalize that we can't put
all those complicated movements into word but we can learn to feel it in our
own way so do some reckless ones to start with just have some fun see the
ball in curves right so in summary what have we done three major things look to
get a great ball striker we now know look you've got to have your handle head
you probably knew this anyway gotta have your handle ahead we've got to get the
lead side open to the target you probably already knew that but to do
that you've got to help the body you've got to help the body see the ball in the
flight in curves you're hanging a round ball it's very hard hit it dead straight
so see the ball in Kurt's stage number one it's a lot easier then for the body
I can do that that's curves it will work much more like this okay
it won't work as a gigantic pendulum and get people pushing it straight that
causes a lot of the fat shots just lots of lots of power because the body's
going this way once you see in curves then we want to obviously educate
ourselves to feel the handle ahead and putting compression on that golf ball
what do we say imagine a frisbee just do some frisbee actions here look at how
naturally my lead wrist will be head and I'm using this lead foot fire I just
feel that Martin you don't have to Haven a hammer frisbee if you want to do it
with your your backhand use a discus same thing you're creating curves you're
using the ground you're using all the right muscle
you can't maybe put worse to them it's not important it's all about feelings
then once you've done that we then said look you've got to take to a golf course
and the third and final thing was making sure you start the downswing before you
finish the backswing again to complicate if people think about but doing some
exercises like the happy gilmore here where you're literally just walking up
and hidden a few ignoring how good it how bad it is how good is do it on a
range then do what Liam does he doesn't walk and hit the ball on a golf course
but he does have a few practice swings just to feel it gets himself set sees
his curve and away he goes so I really really hope this training really really
helps if it does please give it a thumbs up maybe come and join the community by
pressing up subscribe when and the bell it's completely free remember you have a
practice button down below which you can download completely for free summary of
this lesson take to the driving range and of course look if your friends could
do with a little bit help with ball striking with orion's don't forget to
share it but have a great golfing week and I'll look forward to seeing you next