thanks for coming oh thanks for having me yeah very cool to meet you um first there's a lot to talk about first of all uh golf has become such a such a big sport in the last 10 years it's been so huge your approach to the game is completely opposite any other professional golfer's approach it seems to me and and completely different as an athlete you're completely different from most athletes you hate exercise you despise health food you smoke you drink and it works for you is that right if we had cards i'd use them too man i'll tell you what we could use them but i don't know i love it i love my life yeah yeah well i can see why you've been you've said that working at you think that if you worked out it would hurt your golf game now now most other golfers now they've it's almost a scientific approach they're working out every single muscle group you've said you don't want to do that it would be bad for your game why well i figure i'm not going to run cause i we walk seven miles a day so the running's out but right i think a lot of times guys are getting too bulky in here you know which you don't have that problem which is good you could be a good golfer um i've done it intentionally for my golf game exactly i uh i want that flexibility which is why i yeah i have absolutely there's no muscle groups in here i've had them removed right i carry this in case it gets windy it's not going to blow me over so it gives you some ballast so you refuse to work out now as i said golf has become such a scientific game people are isolating they're they're watching uh you know slow down footage of their swing they're hiring special gurus and coaches to analyze sort of every you know particle of their game you have a simple motto this is a quote i just hit it as hard as i can and if i can find it i hit it again you roll up it and then you go looking for it it's super terms i just grip it and rip it basically grip it and rip it and and it really does just go and are you when you hit it well or are you as surprised as anybody i mean do you do you get in a zone first you just you just hit this ball as hard as you can and then okay let's go see if i can find it just depends how how hung over i am i let my caddy look for that okay the caddy all right well let's talk about let's talk about some things your past sponsors you know we know that they're everyone's trying to get nike or adidas or you know some some sponsor like that your past sponsors have been a little unusual dunkin donuts one day one day you were sponsored one day for dunkin donuts battle of the bridges uh well i've been this 0-4 i've been all for us playing with tiger hank keaney and phil mickelson okay and um it's funny we get done and after you get done we got our butts beat but i was playing with phil and hank and tiger beating him but uh we get in there's a big tent where we got to talk to the sponsors and all the there's about you know 2 000 people tiger gets up and he says yeah that's really cool jd dunkin donuts and trim spawns that's right you you know hey tiger you know it's better than a a and miller lite so on the same day that you had dunkin donuts you also were promoting trim spa at the same time exactly and hooters hooters was a sponsor is that right no questions there i'd wear that shirt yeah you don't believe there should you don't like a dress code in golf that you find that offensively no i mean i i feel like somebody's got a thumb in my throat when i wear one of them things i really do it's called a tie is that what it is this newfangled thing called the tie yeah looks like i'm overdressed again yeah yeah this is nice i like the jewelry my blue bling bling yeah but you're comfortable you're comfortable in that but a tie would freak you out exactly um what about but most golf courses uh require that you're you know that you wear a certain you know standard of clothing yeah no i hate it you hate it yeah you have your own golf course that you bought is there is there a dress code there yeah if you wear a tie you're kicked out yeah if you wear slacks you're kicked out right basically all you gotta do is cover your private parts and you can play my golf course you have a tricked-out golf cart i understand you you know you have a special golf cart that you have made to your specifications what's everybody that you know back here all your people and they said it will outrun the tourists that you drive i have a 91 ford taurus i will race your golf cart any day yeah yeah not just the regular ford taurus but the ford taurus show oh beautiful the one the ladies go for how many batteries does that have three c batteries yeah yeah i've got i got eight and it'll do about 50 miles an hour 50 your golf cart will go 50 miles an hour it's called a humdinger a hum dinger yeah all right so it's got a giant it must be all engine this thing it's got eight batteries and it pretty much is yeah do you ever go 50 miles an hour on the golf course oh yeah it's fun yeah like i said i like to promote you know fast play right right so you just move it right along you don't even get out of the thing you just it's like yeah it's polo as far as your concern i'm coming through