If you're slicing it, pulling it, hitting

thin or fat shots what i'm about to show
  you in this video is going to help you

out because it's all about the magic
  of the right elbow. Okay, the first part
  of this magic right elbow on the golf

swing I want to show you starts at the
  setup. So a lot of golfers as I see it set up and

i'll get to the down the line position
  this right elbow will be pointing

straight behind them. So if you point in
  if you're set up with the position of

the right elbow pointing straight behind
  you what that will, what will tend to

happen is as you make your backswing
  the elbow will bend as it naturally does

from that position and it will pull
  the club behind you.


no alternative there's nowhere else for
  it to go that's the way the elbow bends

and you'll get the club in behind and
  very often the club will then come down

steep and you'll hit your slices and you
  pulls. So right from your 
setup what I want you to do
  this elbow pit I want it pointing

towards the golf ball. So from this angle
  I want this elbow pit pointing 
forward in this direction here
  towards the golf ball because what

that'll do that'll make the elbow bend
  in a more upright fashion like that

instead of back here behind you.
  It'll encourage it to bend more

like this and get into a spot
  where it's pointing more towards the ground

and that sort of position there.

And from
  here you're in a much better spot to

then shallow on the way down
  and get through to impact.

And the problem with this is if you have
  this elbow pointing behind you it's set

up another thing it will tend to do is have
  your shoulders and your upper body open

right from the start and that'll look
  something like this
  and you probably think this there's

nothing wrong with this this looks okay
  but if you were to have a look at my

shoulders you'll notice
  they should be pointing down left of the

target line now i can't do this by
  myself matching it up but i'm pretty

sure if i was to draw a line down there
  they'll be on a slight angle left

now by turning this elbow pit   forward and you'll also notice

in this spot here that you can probably
  see my lead arm a bit it's set up and if

you can see my lead arm i'm set up very
  open so get that elbow pit forward and pull this

arm back in towards you and now mostly
  both these arms should be covering each

other my shoulders should be a lot squarer i
  can't quite see myself but they should

be fairly square much better than there
  there should be a lot square and from

here I can turn and i can get   into a fantastic backswing

position making my life easier
  as I come through in the 
downswing now the magic of this
  right elbow for me really comes into

play in your golf downswing so
  as you get the top of your back swing

we've made a good backswing we've kept
  that elbow pointing more 
down towards the ground i
  like to feel as this elbow stays more

bent in the downswing but more
  importantly i like to feel it like it

traces down my rib cage like that stays
  a lot closer to my body and almost

you probably heard before you may have
  heard before about trying to get the

right elbow to touch the trail hip or
  the right hip somewhere like there now

watch what happens when i do this
  if i can get that trail right elbow to

trace down my rib ribcaging it close to
  that right here to here

you'll notice there how shallow
  that club gets and from there i can just

rotate through to impact with lots of power so
  that feel of getting that right elbow

keeping it bent and having it trace down
  your ribs and get closer to that right

hip like there that is a wonderful
  spot you can get into all great players

do this and i'm going to show you one in
  just a moment exactly how he does it
  but if you do the opposite for exple

let's say you're someone that gets up
  here what happens if i don't keep that

right elbow closer to my body well this
  is what happens it's away 
from your body club will come
  down steeper even if you only do it a

little bit club tends to come down steep
  and you cut across the golf ball have a

look at this golf swing and slow motion
  of ceron smith one of the best golfers

in the world as he makes his backswing
  notice how his elbow bends more up and

as he gets to the top of this backswing
  his elbow is pointing more towards the

ground so he's got that club in a great
  backswing position now as he starts the

downswing you'll notice that elbow
  remains fairly bent and he 
keeps it nice and close to his
  rib cage close to that lower hip as he

gets down towards pre-impact
  and he doesn't straighten it out until

after he struck the golf ball now
  another great feel that i find

works really well is to feel like this
  right or trail elbow gets lower than the

lead one in the downswing and watch what
  happens now the opposite to that

right elbow getting higher
  club comes down steep

but i want you to feel
  trail elbow gets

lower   lower than left look what happens

shallow shaft then all we've got to do
  is rotate so that can be a great feel

for you quite often on the first tee i'm
  waiting to hit my shot i'm just there

practicing feeling that trail elbow
  getting lower it's a great 
way to shallow at the club
  and really nail that downswing position

and really get it into the slot which is
  what you're after

so if you can get that one feel
  and i'll show you a drill in just a

moment trail elbow lower than the lead
  close to my body closer to 
that right hip and then
  rotate through so let's have 
a look at this drill the
  no is going to help you out a great

drill with this right elbow so you can
  really nail this in your downswing is

take a club i want you to turn it around
  the other way and grip it about halfway

down the shaft like this you're going to
  set up to a ball

and as you come on your dancing i want
  you to feel like this grip end either

points at that ball or just outside and
  watch what happens when you do that if i

come here and i get it pointing at the golf ball
  i'm shallowing out that shaft

i'm in that great spot to swing through
  on that downswing so that's the feel

that's what i want you you can even do
  this as a pre-shot routine if you like

get to the top of your backswing and
  just feel like

that shaft points more
  at the golf ball and that will shallow

out your shaft every time it's that
  simple if you're someone that's coming

over the top
  you'll notice

look where that shaft points straight
  down the target line even left of the

target line
  steep down swing i want you if you're

someone that comes over the top or at
  least steep feel the opposite feel the

opposite there
  and that is a wonderful spot for you and

then it's just

that will really improve your golf swing
  now i've got a video coming up that you

need to watch because this talks about
  how to stop standing up through impact

so if you're someone that
  suffers from early extension you come

through and you stand up
  you're losing power and consistency this
  video is going to help you out so make

sure you watch it i'll see you on it.