(golf ball strikes) – All right, so I feel like most golfers, you get sick and tired of not being able to clear those hips and rotate 'em open. When you make a swing
and look at it on video, you notice that you stand
up out of your posture and you start to throw the club, and if you look at your hips, they're kind of square to the golf ball when you make contact.
That can be really frustrating. Well, that's mostly because
people have the wrong idea of the golf swing. They think we're hitting at the target, and we go more side to side like this. You may notice that your
right heel starts to lift up a little bit, and your right hip kind of pops out to the right. That gets your body leaning this way and then you kind of fall
back that way sometimes or stand up and fall. Your hips don't open, like I mentioned. You lose your posture. All of that. The root cause of that
is more of a forwards and backwards idea of what the swing is going toward the target or trying to hit toward the golf ball. Well, let me go over here in a second but the golf swing is more like pistons, this way and this way. And if you do this correctly you notice how you're
gonna be able to easily, even if you're stiff as
board, I am so tight. If I keep my hips still,
I can't hardly rotate my shoulders at all.
But if I move correctly,
I'm able to easily get a 90 degree shoulder turn. I'm able to stay in my
posture and I'm able to get a really smooth
swing that has good rotation and I can get some pretty
good distance on it. It's not because I'm some super athlete or anything like that. It's just, I've learned this technique. And in this video I'm taking
all kinds of years of studying, I'm gonna boil it down. I'm give it all to you. I want you to really get this licked so you don't have to
worry about it anymore. So when you do this correctly, you should be able to
make a nice, smooth swing with good rotation and
hit the ball really far without feeling like you have to be jerky.
And I'll get to all this
later on in this video. So here I have a nine iron,
I wanna make what feels like a nice, smooth
swing with good rotation. (golf club hits ball) There we go, hit that very solid. And that seems like a crazy distance, 176 yards with a nine iron. But I guarantee you can
get it a lot farther than you think you can if
you get this piece down, if you get the rotation aspect of it down. So let's start from the ground up. And I think this is the way to learn it. Most people pick and choose pieces. Grab a club right now,
do these drills with me and you're gonna feel it. We'll start with your feet. Move to your knees, your
hips, your shoulders, and then eventually your hands and arms. You'll put the whole thing together. So let's start with the feet here. Now, again, the swing should
be more of piston motions. So let me just drop the club for a second and do these with me.
I want to think about in my back swing. If I put my arms to my side,
like these are pistons here my right side of my body
goes back in the back swing. So if we're looking at it from
here, right arm goes back, my right knee goes back. My right hip goes back. My right shoulder goes back. The entire right side
of my body goes back. Left side of my body goes forward. Knee, hip, shoulder,
everything goes forward. So it's that piston type move. Now when I'm doing this, if I
think about that in my feet, if I do this piston type rotation, my weight's gonna go into my left heel. So I'm gonna feel my toe. I'm gonna exaggerate here. I have this wooden
dowel splitting my feet. I'm gonna feel my weight go into the heel. And my toe for this drill
is actually gonna come up off the turf a little bit. If I was to turnaround
this way so you could see my lead foot, imagine I'm
hitting toward the camera now, and I did that same
thing, that piston move, this heel is gonna come up.
So what's going on there? If you imagine this is both
of my feet in your back swing, you go right heel, left toe. So weight goes onto your left toe. Weight goes onto your right
heel and it looks like this. Now, if you wanna get
exaggerated with that, here's a great way to feel
it is put a tennis ball and this is way extreme,
but you'll start to feel this piston type motion
when you're doing this. Put a tennis ball under your left heel and put a tennis ball
under your right toe. And this would be the
back swing type motion. So again, if I'm just not
even worrying about the club, I'm just doing that piston motion. I should have the weight off my right toe. I should have the weight off my left heel.
And that's that type of a movement. Now, when that happens,
that's gonna work its way up the chain, which we'll
get to in here second. But that's the feeling you should have. Now in the down swing, all we do is we turn the pistons the other way. So if I take these balls and switch them left toe, right heel. Now, as I'm making my down swing, the piston goes other way,
right side goes forward, left side pulls back. And now you see my right heel's
coming up off the ground. My left toe, you'll see this with pros. Their left toe starts
to come off the ground and often kind of slides open like that.
But again, you don't have to
get that technical with it. Just think piston back in the back swing, down swing, we're changing
the way the pistons are. Left side goes back,
right side goes forward. That's gonna allow you
to get the weight shift in your feet correctly. So make about 10 or 15
swings without a club, without a ball, just in your living room, roll up a towel put it between your feet and just go piston this
way, piston that way and start to feel your
toes and heels doing this. I wanna feel like they change, as I'm going back and forth. The weight shift is not
big in the golf swing.
It's here. We're doing little tiny weight shifts. We're not doing big sways where my head starts to move around. You'll notice if you're doing this wrong your foot will roll out like that. So my right foot's gonna roll this way. All my spikes come up off the ground. That's that sway to the right. We're not doing swaying this way. We're just doing pistons forward and back. Now, once you've done that a few times, you can start to make some
practice swings doing it and then we'll add the next piece. So just a few with the club, and I'm just feeling my
piston going back and forward.
Now when we take it up the
chain, you'll start to notice that these pistons are
not level with the ground. This rotation doesn't happen this way. If you start to try to
move your body level with the ground like this,
because I'm bit forward, and if I think level I'll end up swaying all around my upper body, my head will move all over the place. If you feel like you're
moving around a lot, it's because we're not angled enough.
So if I get into my posture
and I angle these down almost like a foot outside the golf ball it's kind of where I feel
like my body's moving. So if I just put my arms out to the side, if I let my pistons kind of
go just outside the golf ball and they stay on that
same plane the entire time that'll keep me in my posture. You'll notice that with the knees. So if we move it up a chain
from the feet to the knees when we do our back swing,
right side goes back, right knee goes back.
Left knee goes forward. You'll see that. You'll also notice that the left knee gets a little lower than the right knee. That's because everything
is angled in this plane. So if we do a few more of these,
we can start to feel that. And then we go up to the hip. As we go to the hip
sockets, right hip goes back when we do the piston back swing, left hip goes back as we come through. So if I do this correctly,
I'm gonna rotate until my hips are about 45 degrees turned. Notice how when I'm looking for face on, my knees aren't doing all this action where they're going side to side. They're just going this way. So the right leg can
straighten a little bit in the back swing and the left leg bends but it doesn't go this way.
It's forwards and backwards. In the down swing, we get a
little weight shift to the left, right knee goes forward. It bends, left knee starts to straighten. So if you're looking at it from this way, here's my back swing. Here's my down swing. Okay, and we know that
we're doing that correctly if we make about a 45 degree
hip turn in the back swing, again, just do some little practices here. And you'll notice when you
move your arms and your feet, it's easy to do that. I can sit here perfectly
comfortable, 45 degree turn. And when you come on through, your right toe comes all the way up. Your right heel comes all the way up. And that allows you to get all the way to a 90 degree turn as
you're coming through. So it looks something like this if I'm doing a full swing.
Back swing and then the fall
through, I'm gonna be here. I'm all the way extended
to where my pistons would kind of be toward
the target that way. So that's the feet, the knees, the hips. Notice how if I was to
draw some lines on these, my hips aren't going outside those lines. I may get up on this front
line as I'm going forward but I'm not swaying this way because it's forwards and backwards.
Finally go up to the shoulders. Again, right shoulder goes
higher in the back swing and it pulls back. And because I've rotated
my feet, my knees, my hips, it's very easy to turn my shoulders now. And in the down swing,
my right side goes down toward the golf ball and my left side kind of extends up and I'm this way. Notice when I do that,
I've stayed in my posture. So once you've done this 10,
15 reps for each body segment, feet, knees, hips, shoulders, then you can start to add the club.
And all we do in the
club is put your hands out to your sides now. And instead of doing these
pistons, let your arm swing but have the same feeling. So again, I'm just gonna let my arm swing. When I do the piston back, my right arm's gonna swing
back up above my body. My left arm is down here
like helicopter blades. When I go this way, I'm going here. My left arm goes up. My right arm goes down toward the ball. And once I do that, all I'm doing is now go ahead and letting the pistons or the rotation of my body swing my arms. So it's this kind of going back and forth that swings my arms back,
swings my arms through. And that's what creates
the overall momentum. That's why the pros look so
smooth when they're doing this. So you just let the arm swing and make sure that you finish. Again, the weight shift is
just a little tiny pressure to the right, almost
inside of my right foot.
It feels like it's this. Feels like I'm going one
inch over to the right when I'm doing it. The follow through is really easy because I'm just balanced
over my left foot and my right foot should be
completely off the ground. So when I'm doing this all
together, it just looks like this, body rotating,
arms are getting slung as a result of my body rotating. So now that you see that
and you see how I'm doing it look how, when I swing, you
can see that body rotation. And it looks so smooth with the arms because my arms are being slung. I'm not keeping my body still and trying to hit at it with my arms.
So you'll notice this when you go out and watch your friends now, when they hit, you'll see this:
very little feet movement, very little knee movement or hip movement, very little shoulder movement. Their little pistons
would be going like that. Not moving at all. And what'll happen is
when all that turns off we do an all arm swing,
which looks like this. (golf club hits ball) And it's all hands and arms. Even if you were to hit
one solid, it's rare, because it's no body
movement, no piston action.
It's just my arms just
throwing at the ball, which is really frustrating. And I don't want you to
be frustrated like that. So get that arm swinging. The momentum of the body
is slinging the arms. And then from there, you
can see it happen now. So let me hit a couple and notice how it's the
rotation of the body slings the arms.
Let's try it out again. (golf club hits ball) (golf club hits ball) Here we go, another good one. This is a nice, smooth, easy swing. Again, I'm not swinging hard on these. I could even swing what
looks like slow motion with a nine iron here and
watch the distance I can get. Almost looking like I'm not
moving or not trying at all. (golf club hits ball) Right, nice solid shot. 150 yards with a nine iron. And it's the body slinging the club that makes it so effortless
and so efficient.
Now, there is one problem with this. Again, a lot of players
will tend to stand up outta their posture. So yes, we do the piston swings and we're staying in posture. But then all of a sudden, we grab a club. We do good to here, and
then in the down swing, we stand up out of it. Well, that can actually be a result of something totally unrelated
to your body movements. If you get your club shaft
in the wrong position and you have the wrong idea of how to kind of start your down swing, then you have to change
all these body angles to be able to hit the ball. I'm gonna play a preview of a video that's fantastic for that. And it'll get you to stop
standing up outta your posture. Now, if you're doing
this wrong with the club you gotta fix this before we move forward.
Or that could be a big it's like having a nice 400 horsepower car but you got the emergency break on. We gotta take the emergency break off. We gotta get the posture good. We gotta make sure that the club shaft is in the right angle to do that. So I'll play a preview that
video here in just one second. All you need to do is
just go ahead and click one of the cards that
you see up on the screen. If you don't see that card, don't worry. Just go down to the link
below in the description. You'll get instant access to that video.
I can't wait to share it with you. Keep your stay in your
posture in your entire swing. The bottom line is that by
trying to ring that bell or pull the hands down
more from the inside, it gets the club shaft steep and ruins your entire down swing. Now, what you end up
having to do is to keep from just keeping down on that steep angle and burying the club behind the golf ball, you have to stand up outta your posture and that's really the root
cause of all your problems. Now, maybe you're being
out driven way too often or you're terribly
inconsistent with your strikes. Some of your shots are heavy. Some of 'em are thin. Some of 'em are off the toe and then the next ones
are way off the hill. Now you end up way over in the trees. You're in the tall grass or maybe in the hazards all day long. And it really comes down to this, Clay, how in the heck do we fix it? Well, there's some good news.
Well, there's only two things
that you need to learn. First, you need to learn
to shallow the club rather than pulling the hands down and getting the shaft
in this steep position. You see, there's another
way that the pros do this, and once you start to get that club on this shallower plane
more from the inside, then you pair that up with the right way to square the club face. And once you put these
two things together, everything starts to fit in your swing. Now your buddies will start
to get a little bit jealous 'cause you'll start
hitting solid longer drives time after time and round after round. Now I'm gonna teach you this right now on what I call the E slot technique. Let's walk through exactly how to do it.
So here's what I want you to do. Go ahead and take a swing to the top and get in a really good position. I want you to feel like your weight is mostly shifted to your right side and that your hips and
shoulders are nice and free. I don't wanna be locked up here. I want my knees to move, my hips to move, and that's gonna allow me to
swing my shoulders very nicely. Now, one thing that most people
get wrong when they swing to the top is they don't get
this tilt away from the target.
So instead of being straight up and down or leaning to the left, I
wanna be slightly tilted away in what I call the stable fluid spine in my top speed golf system. Okay, so now that you're
at this great position at the top of the swing, what
I want you to do is instead of pulling those arms straight
down or ringing the bell, that's gonna get the club shaft steep and get this elbow kind of
flapping behind your body, I want you to do something very specific.
I want you to take the tip of your elbow and move it in a specific way. Now not this small bone on
the inside of your elbow but I want it to be right here at the tip. And here's what I want you to do..