Hey everyone, Shawn Clement here. And I am at the Chris Cote's performance center in Portland, Connecticut today. And, actually this week, cause Sav and Mu are, performing and they're competing here at the professional long drive association event. And we're just about to get 'em here this morning and I'm sneaking in a nice little video for you guys, because many of you don't realize, A, you got more power than you think. And B you're spending it at the wrong place.
So you can have a lot of power, not spend it in the proper place and lose 30 to 50 yards of juice. In order for you not to miss any more of these videos, please subscribe to the channel ring, that notification bell. So you get to see the future videos upcoming, of course, you're going to want to put a comment or question down below and give us a nice thumbs up.
And we really, really appreciate that. I know many of you have been watching my videos and haven't subscribed yet. So please do the deed. Give us a little subscription. All right, here we go. There's a lot of confusion going around about where peak speed is in the golf swing. So many of the scientists are going to tell you, Hey, you know, the club is accelerating until it gets to the ball. Then it starts to decelerate. Well, yeah, that's where it's transitioning and transmitting the energy through the golf ball. However, mentally it's here, everything that you do needs to be through the ball physically activated through this focus. So if you had a sword and you had a billings bamboo shoot, and you want it to rip through that bamboo shoot, the beginning of the cut would be here. The end of the cut is here. And the release of the anatomy is there without the bamboo shoot. Peak speed is way out here.
However, the bamboo shoot is going to slow things down. We get that, but mentally you can't be prepared to go at the ball. You can't follow the scientists who say, Hey, peak acceleration is down there. That's horse hockey. So you're not going to throw everything into the ground. Then you got nothing to transmit or much less the transmit to the golf ball. There's literally 30 yards difference between at the ball and threw the ball, which brings me to the next thing. If your grip club relationship is neutral, how are you going to get through here's the acid test So if I had a baseball bat right out of my little collection here, it's nice. And we're able to drive down for this one.
So I'm waiting for the pitch. The pitch is coming. I commit to it. There's where I impact the ball. There's where the ball comes off. And then there's the release of the anatomy. So through is there now, if you were to do the same thing with the golf ball, notice how my hands come through first. Look at the club face.
If I close the face a significant amount between 30 and 45 degrees, and then I swing through, notice my club face isn't really closed. Is it That's what's going to allow you to get out there. So a couple of cues to help you out. If peak speed is really out there, that's where you're going to hear the whistling of the club. So you're going to take a nice practice, swing and go make the club whistle there. The vast majority of you are going to be whistling over here because you're trying to go at the ball.
That's where the whistle is going to be. But if I'm going at the target, There's where the whistle's going to be. Did you notice the lag Well, all of you who play baseball and we were focused on sending the ball out into the field, have tremendous lag. How is it that you don't have that lag in the golf swing is because you're waiting for the pitch to come all the way over here and then swipe at it. Well, there's your loss of lag Why in the world would you ever play baseball like that Nobody does that. Why third base coach is saying, Hey, we're going over the right field because he's got a hang over and he's got the, the sun in his, in his face.
So here comes, I'm waiting for the pitch that matches right field right now. When I see that pitch, it's gone. So you're matching what you see to where you want to go. If it's not the right pitch, you just let it on by then. It's just a fight between you and the pitcher. So with the golf swing, we have the ability to set up the way we want to rate out of the gate. So let's say I want it to hit a nice little draw. I'm going to start at towards the yellow post and draw it back to the blue post blue post is right about here in relation to that tee.
So I'm going to line up there and I'm going to play the ball a bit back in my stance. I'm going to close the face and then I'm going to release over the T toward the yellow post. So my brain is on the yellow post through there. So I'm looking for a nice slash of the sword in that direction. So I want peak speed to be beyond that T and out towards the yellow post. Here we go. So it started at the yellow post and stayed right on it. Oh, got a good kick. So notice there was no hitting fact or there was no pulled shots to the left. Why Because if I go for the ball, here we go. I'm not going to the yellow post anymore. I'm going for the ball. See what happens. This is where you feel like you're going to have too much right hand, because I just got way out in front of the ball. Now I'm going to have to hurry up and hit the ball before I miss it.
Can you see the direction that I'm going on now So for those of you who are pulling the shots, you're going for the golf ball, golf ball, that sucker is going to go nice and low and to the left. But if I stay in the direction of my yellow post here was here's, what's going to happen. Yellow post yellow, post yellow post full extension here, full speed out here. And the ball ends up going straight. If my grip club relationship is too open, I'm trying to go yellow post. And my brain says that ain't going there.
That's going way too far to the right. Don't go there. And then you end up having to dump it all and release it all at the ball. Just because your grip club relationship is too open. So we need two things, bare bones minimum. In order for you to get speed out there, get the full benefit of your golf shots. We need either a, a stronger grip or a neutral grip with a more close face or a little bit of both. Then we need to be able to deliver out there in the direction of the target.
So I'm lining up, play the ball of hair back to center. Now I'm going to release over that intermediate point, and I'm going to do that with some nice momentum. It's got to feel easy for me to whip out there in that direction. And that started a lot more online, but it's overdrawing just a bit felt very, very powerful. Do one more. It all fits. I got what I'm looking for. I'm already feeling that release out toward the yellow post. Here we go. That felt good. So we're looking at nice hot summer day six are no wind. These are brand new prov1 ones here we have at the Chris Cody performance center. That's what they use out here for their lessons and their fittings. So that was two 10. It carried about 10 yards past that blue flag. So All right. So hope you enjoyed that and hope you're going to be with us over the course of the, the long drive competition.
Can't wait to see Savin move compete. See you next week.