Hey everyone, Shawn and Mu, we're going to get  moon and me, he even Chuck this sledgehammer,   it's a six pound sledgehammer down there. So  you guys need to understand why upright swings,   not flat swings get to benefit from ground  forces. Right You don't want to miss this one. Okay. So Mu yeah, presenting the sledgehammer. All  right. You're going to let the sledgehammer hang   under your shoulders. Yep. And, very important  that you be forward enough that the sledgehammer   is not going to hit you in the ankles or the  toes.

Right. So now you're just forward enough   that it can swing in front of you. Now, if you  want it to take that and on a count of three,   three swings, you're going to heave it down  range in the direction that you're lined up on,   which is basically parallel to this tee here,  right Yeah. So let's see you do that. Alright.   1, 2, 3. Woo. Awesome. Yeah, Make sure there's nobody around when that  happens. Now, if you look at the continuation,   when mu is going back, the hammer is moving on a  much more vertical plane. And if you get to the   top here and the hammer starts to fall behind  you. Yeah. There's no way you can return it   and send it out there. Can, you know Right. Yeah.  So let's say you take a driver in your hands.   Okay. And the other thing I wanted to mention is  notice the only way to heave the hammer out there,   you can't use the arms. It's impossible. So  the arms are just hanging on to the hammer   and notice the squat of the legs, sending the  hammer out there.

So if you were to take your   set up with the driver, let's say, we're  going to send the, this, the tip of that T   in the direction that you want to go. Yeah. So  let me see the top of your backswing and stop.   So now look, removes arms are they're in a  position that are going to be allowed to come back   under, move through the tee and out  there. So when the arms fall, the legs   are basically falling with them. Do you feel that  squat move So you're getting ready to use the legs   to send the tip of the tea out into the wild  blue yonder. Right. So let's see a couple of   practice swings beside that. Okay. Pretend  you're sending the tea out there. Okay. Wow. That was amazing. Did you guys hear the tip  of the tea being clipped So Mo gets the top,   the brain is preparing to take the tip of the  T and sling it out into that wild blue yonder.   So you notice that that timing of what he just  did was exactly the same as the timing as he   used to heave that sledgehammer out there.  Okay.

Yeah. So if we look at, from face on,   I'm going to show you face on and down the  line now for the righty, just so you, you get   the clear mental picture of what we're trying to  do, and you'll see how important this is for you   to, to acquire the proper skill set, to use the  ground, to get that effortless power so that you   can send it out there. And, you know, Mo and salve  are now competing in long drive competitions. I'm sure that a couple of years ago, you  couldn't even dream of competing next to who,   who did you compete w was that, Ryan respect was  up with you.

And what about, Justin James You were   right there in front of Justin, James going neck  and neck, and they were hitting the same distance,   right. They were all between three 40 and  three 80. Yeah. So that's pretty amazing.   That's pretty cool. Yeah. And if you looked  at move out there on the grid, he's one of the   most consistent guys out there he's hitting four  out of six and the grid on a consistent basis.   So you really want to, you know, sink your  teeth into what we're talking about here.   Now, as a writer, if I do it face on, and I'm  going to, I'm going to swing back and through   he, even into the trees, he, even into the trees. Now you notice there's a heaving action  that occurs both in the backswing and in the   follow-through, it's a dual kinetic chain.  So in order for me to hear that out there,   I got to heave it into the back swing, notice  how I'm using my legs. He, he, and it's such,   a cool way to acquire that skill because the  weight of that sledgehammer is so easy to feel.   So I would go with a four pound sledge for the  gals, six to six pounds.

Sledge is plenty because   at the end of a nice long neck like this,  that sledgehammer really feels heavy.   And you notice how I'm not allowing the arms  to fold, because if you let those arms fold   and you perform a regular swing, it's really  going to take you for a loop. That could be   way too much downward snap, and that's going to  really hurt. So you keep the arms nice and long,   and you notice the only way to keep the arms long   is by turning out of the way out of the way.  So you see the rhythm and timing of that,   ready to swing back under, swing, back under  swing back under. There's only one way to do that.   If I bring the hammer here, it's all over. If I  try to get ground forces, I'm breaking a leg. So One out there, two out there, three out there,   not as long as yours move, but you really  see there's the only way to do that is   through the legs.

You can't push with the  arms. So if we go with the driver again, The only way that I come back through that ball,  if I try to send my arms deep into the backswing,   is this okay here, south. So when I go into  my back swing, he see where my arms are.   Now. It feels like when I go get the ground,  my arms are falling in front of me. And   through the ball. If I take my arms too deep  behind me, and I try to use the ground forces,   it's going to be impossible.

I'm going to  lose my posture. The club's fallen behind me.   It's going to be, you know, and, in the movies,  when you see a helicopter kind of tip over,   and the thing is kinda string all over the place,  that's essentially what it's going to look like.   So we got to keep the arm club unit out in front  of us to really benefit from those ground forces.   That's how it's done right there.   Hope you enjoyed that and understood the  concept and the principles behind it.   Get yourself a sledgehammer and let's see you  heave it in your backyard. Just watch your wife's   flowerpots all right. All the best