huh all right guys so today we're gonna play
the random club challenge usually in golf you obviously
get to choose what club you wanna hit and it's pretty easy today we're gonna
change things up we're gonna spin a wheel
like this and it's going to tell us what club
we're going to have to hit it's going to make things quite interesting we might
have to tee off the driver on the part 3 or maybe a 60 degree wedge on a par 5.
so we'll see who comes out on top today so here we go the basic rules of the
game first pretty simple you spin the wheel whatever club you get
you hit it know where he spins that's a no no when you get on the green
just putt nothing else you got it let's get it
anyways liam what are we playing for today sorry
sorry i mean what do you feel like losing
what i feel like losing well well matt uh my vir-virgi how about we just play for some lunch or
something actually i'm pretty hungry we can do that
oh i'm also hungry then All right guys, so the first hole today we got a par five 530 yards long dog leg left as you can
see we got hazard all down the left side and
short of the green so ideally you want a long iron of the tee or a 3-wood and then a mid iron to lay up and then you
have a wedge into the green but of course we got to spin so this
could get interesting let's go Let's spin the wheel and get this started 3-wood! First shot, first spin wildcard Pitching wedge…

So we're on a par 5, 560 yards we gotta hit a pitching wedge off the tee Probably got like 400 yards left I got a wild card to start so I get to pick any club I want. I picked a 4 iron, because I'm not properly warmed up Hopefully I hit it on the fairway six iron that's perfect to lay up oh that's pretty good so my third shot was in trouble here so
i was hoping for a little seven iron to get out of the rough type
of green but i i got driver this is gonna be a fun one look at my
layup though it's pretty good it's out
so i got driver again i got about 1 30.

Gotta go over a little trench i'm
pretty much screwed wow that was pretty good yeah
i got a pitching match from 140 i think it's a perfect club shot so he's got seven iron chip and green
side all right
that's off the green maybe you'll get it on next time so everyone's finally on the green i'm
lying five liam's lying six wanju is lying
three once you got lucky he got the perfect club i got a bunch of wedges
liam got a bunch of drivers that's how it worked out pretty short this is matthew made a bogey and liam's not
gonna like his start with a triple boogie eight
that puts wanju in the lead at even par matthew is one over and liam is three
shots back with five holes to go now on to the next
toe we're on the second hole here a little
part three 166 yards little breeze into you
uh it won't be a perfect club just made a triple on the last hole so i got a lot
of grout to make up i think that's in the bunker is it in
the bunker hopefully you get a oh no go go as expected
that's not bad it's a classic classic 56.
what club am i gonna get i got a green side shot
hopefully it's an easy wedge let's see oh got a foreign liam's on the greens got a pot for birdie it's better than most it's better than most
oh i was just now trying to be a good part both matthew and liam got decent clubs
on this par 3 and they were able to both make par
however wanju unfortunately made a boogie so now we
gotta tag the top at one over bar and liam is only two
shots back at three over par now on to the third
hole all right so we're on the third hole now
we've got a little par four dog leg left slight dog leg they got
hazard down the left side so you don't want to go left
and it's about 350 yards open fairway so it's bombs away let's go
hey matt don't forget a spin eh all right let's spin it's a nine iron what am i gonna get what am i gonna get
five iron all right five iron on this one is not the worst i
could sort of screw into anything over picture match will be fine
let's see oh no 60.

When i go through it i think he's
alright club can we show green from here all right let's spin the wheel come on baby oh bye bye not bad so my t-shirt just
barely carried the river living on the edge these days oh god this feels like my um girl
doesn't know what she wants i got a five iron how far do you have
i got about 130 top five i made it oh be good oh be good be good all right let's see what we go that's not a bad club caribbean airlines could probably land
that plane on this runway that's about 100 foot put wow oh oh no liam is fighting hard to get back into
this match with another par on the soul both matthew and wanju had unlucky clubs
off the tee and made bogeys now we got a close match still at the
top matthew and wanju at two of apar liam's now only one shot back at three
over this is getting interesting this hole is going to be a big challenge
because it's a dog leg left and to reach the corner you got to hit a
190 180 club the par four so anything under a six iron you're
you're blocked out come on oh god 50 degrees
on this hole look at that i got a 50 degree in my hand
and way over there so i'm gonna try to go over this tank
look at that that big time green and try to get an angle so i could snap hook my
second shot let's see what i got all right time to spin come on
yeah 6r hmm oh no i think it's in the trees okay let's go a little little hooky wookie little
pokey wookie off the ducky that didn't work oh it's hooking but
it's short three wood from 135 straight uphill
it's gonna be a fun trip so left wanju lefty long i'm way long of the green i have about
30 feet drop to the green back flag i don't know how
this is gonna work but i hope i get 60 degree
and now a chance to flop it all right i got 130
hopefully i spin and get this bad boy 50 degree wedge
let's see three iron are you kidding me what am i gonna do here oh it's god to three holes one jew and
myself tied two over four liam's one back three
over the game's going good let's continue and see who wins where's
the ball where's the ball i don't even know oh
look he's right there how do you feel about this shot matthew
she's not very good and i got a six iron it's like a 30 yard
bunker shot uphill bad lie pretty screwed so short i had to cover my hand already 56 great shot to tap that in for five and that was bad oh how did that not go in got him oh
short throw the club throw the club that was horrendous
oh i love my driver suck this is not my home maddie marks the fourth hole of the match turned out
to be quite a pivotal one liam came very close to a par when his
chip hit the flag and bounced out matthew made a bogey as well and wanju
unfortunately had a seven now matthew is alone at the top with
three over liam's in second at four and once you slid all the way down to
five over power okay guys we're here on the beautiful
fifth door of the match uh we got a dog leg left go straight up
the hill after that uh tight landing spot to a
very tight green ideally you want to hit it about 230 off
the tee hole plays about 384 yards up the hill so it's a tough hole
one of the toughest on the course hi my friend all right got a part four
we got about 210 yards to the green uphill it's going to play with 10 yards
longer let's spin it zero club i guess five iron six iron i got a 99 again i'm not going to reach
it's going up just up and down from there wired let's do it 190 yards
uphill i think that's the club to be honest i don't want to spin this
right now because no matter what club i get
i'm blocked out no shot gotta go through trees ping pong golf
i'll go for the spit all right a pitching wedge got those
trees in front of me that's a pretty tall tree what i'm gonna
do i'm just gonna hit it right through the trees
you heard her saying trees 90 air 90 air boys all oh he almost hit the tracker man
wow did i expect that is true still 90 there 100 error
well for this whole i'm not going to call the ramen club challenge i'm going
to call it the tarzan challenge because i'm all over the place it's my
ball you see the hole anyway nope got to go
over the mountain do you even know where you're going no clue oh yeah welcome to the jungle whoa
just off the green i still got a spin let's hope i get like a pitching wedge
driver again to chip that's not bad wow on the second to last hole things were
getting pretty tight matthew made a bogey wanju made an easy
par and liam made a pretty incredible bogey
after hitting the maintenance worker so with one hole left matthew's taking a
one shot lead at four over and liam and wanju are five over par
all right so we're at the last hill of the challenge
six hole challenge random flip challenge whatever you wanna call it
we're on the last hole now it's part three 105 yards
let's spin the wheel and see what clubs we gotta hit ready
let's go three iron so we spun the wheel
it's about a seven iron 105 yard part three
bunker short hazard in the back it's gonna be interesting
juan just gonna have a harder shot he got a three iron he's gonna have a tough
time he's gonna be a pretty tough hole liam
he got lucky he got a pitching wedge so two days ago my boy one two
made a world on one yesterday we played he had a 56 slams in the hole on the
same exact toe today three iron let's see what he's got
now he's gotta be on top let's see it makes
it three in a row so i got three iron on the sole
i'm to try to flop it up high how was that flow how far did that go
well 30 yards on the down slope i'm screwed hundred yards seven areas good shot so so
nice birdie matthew had a great t-shirt and capped
things off with a birdie on the last hole
wanju couldn't quite play with the three iron on this par three and he made a
double bogey and liam made a four matthew is today's
winner at three over par liam's in second place at six over and
wanju is bringing up the rare at seven over
par so that's it for the match random club
challenge we got third i don't know why he's so happy but okay
whatever makes it yeah we're leading second place anyways it was a fun game i got free
lunch so i'm happy make sure to subscribe to the channel i
like all hit the notifications check us out hope
you like what you saw see ya you