Beyond the Fairway podcast
presented by Genesis will somehow some way we have gotten through another PGA Tour.
Well again, it's kind of like we're already
into the next season but we got through the last but let the
Presidents Cup. Damn, it was the end of the season in my
mind, but we made it. Well, we made it. Yeah, I we I'm glad we at the end but Cuz where the enemies? We
get new beginning. Tada. That's good stuff, right? I don't know
if I don't know if that's deep but
it should be kind of deep. But, you know, I have to say I went
to the Presidents Cup. This week, is in my hometown, koala, clubs and Charlotte North
Carolina and your home course though my home course is Charlotte
Country Club, which is a quad Hollow rival, which I've, you know, I'm
Charlotte Country Club bias. I think she'll come to closes
bed is the best golf course. in the world country club members
everything, but I had to say, It's from for me.

The fan
perspective is everything. I thought I was, and I say that. Because okay, let me say I say that
because I'm, I'm say I say that because I'm 5 foot nine, and I
did see a damn thing, right? Okay, first of all cap, that's all cap. You 5 foot nine
cap. Okay, I'm really 6-foot, thank
you for saying that. All right, it's ha ha and and you know it didn't make it
was tough for me to get wrap my head around. Around 40,000
people because it was massive crowds out there and that's what
president comes does. Is it brings everybody out to have
a good time and watch some golf? The some part is defined, four
five, six groups that were out there and I went for three days
straight had a couple business meetings and I didn't get a chance to see
that one Golf Club but I had a good time at the Presidents

Like I saw the big Jumbotron and I was there, shout out to to the presence covered keep And
everybody involved in knowing what everybody was on
the golf course. But uh it was it was you have to you
know and you know we was good time man. It was good
time. So what was your overall Man, take on a presence club and
I kind of want to go in with you on that. Well, let me
set me before we get there. Let me say this. I was at the
president's couple dozen Muirfield Village and you're so like your so spot-on
with the assessment, you got all these people and there's
only like, six groups.

So like that equates to like an hour and
a half of golf if you're stationary on one hole. So your you change your whole day to
like, get to the President's Cup. Yeah. Jordan Speed SI, woo. Kim. And then and there because because because I had, I had, you know,
I had the pleasure had the pleasure of obviously
tending prices coupled. Also
tended, to Junior Presidents Cup. Net was
held at Myers Park Country Club here in Charlotte as well. Where I very own notah, Begay was the president's, the US team

And if, if there's a way that we
can merge, the junior Presidents Cup in the present
cup all Everyone zegna one side with
same time I think I'd be I think it'll be good
entertainment it be a collaborative u.s. push and a collaborative
International push and I think I mean because you have that you
have the room to do that. I want to touch on that but I
want to answer your question because you stole it before. I
could answer your question of what my takeaways were. I just
set the scene. I took it again. No, it's okay. It's alright, I
love you. I'm not I'm not anxious what I do that's what I
searched you shouldn't because you do to me.

You should take away so you
asked me to take aways. Okay. Biggest takeaway should study. I should that should woo. You say that should
just gotta Scheffler. Okay, that's not easy. That's a tongue
twister and gonna cherish risky, Scheffler, Irish wristwatch is more tough
difficult, but go ahead. Should Scottie Scheffler be the
world. Number 1 / his play at the Presidents Cup? I always thought this guy Chef
Lee was the odd world. Number one, Yeah, I don't know.

I'm not sad. I'm
not talking smack. Scotty don't be mad at me. I'm just, I'm not
saying it's not was an odd. World, number one, best not best
player in the world. Statistically speaking did not win a point during this whole Championship. I'm it that's that's the
takeaway that was it. That was my one of my takeaways. So
sometimes sometimes being a team, sometimes being a team
event expose you that you really not a great team player and I don't mean that to be the
bad way. Just like this go. It is goes. Golf. But here's
what I want to ask you.

Yeah. Spieth and Thomas? Are they? The new? Are they the emerging
faces of us Gulf now? Absolutely. No question. 100%
million percent. I think what Georgia speak are?
They replacing the Dustin Johnson and you know I
can't say who's does it. Who's Dustin Johnson? I forgot what
that is. Well, yeah, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Plea. And
if you want to because you can run into a one-day, but do you think those are the new
emerging failed? Replacing Dustin Johnson, are they playing
a replacing? Even though he was. We know he
was a great guy.

Doug, we do. Yeah, but he was he was hated the young Patrick Reed. So are these New emerging faces
in golf. I don't think they're not only their new at noon or are they emerging? I
think they're just now. The I think the Baton has been
passed from like the Tiger Woods is the Phil Mickelson's.
Yeah, I said, feel that kind of error. Like our
heroes are kind of like heading to the
champions tour that we grew up with, you know what I'm saying?
And I think now you look at high-level golfers, I think and
As Americans go right I think Jordan, Spieth and just in time I think they're top of the hill. That's really, but JT got some work to do in
team games because Jordan had his back until he and then he
got exposed and single. So I'm just saying that JT's. Good
people do I'm not hating on him. I'm just saying he got
exposed and now I see why kids more calls to
ugly because he gave he gave did JTL being one up II.

Think that? That was kind of funny because
of what he called, he called see
what? Kim the ugliest man. He said, kiss her kiss. Her said to see who. Yes.
Yeah. Yeah, it was, that was kind of funny but I have to give it up to Today, an international team. No, don't get me. I'm with you, man. I feel that
like keep talking you have to man this this this
team was full of elite meaty, mini-tour players. Just kidding.
I'm joking. Joking. LOL, LOL. This was high. I didn't mean to. I didn't say
that I said but however it was an inexperienced team, had eight rookies on there and they have to go through a
little more her little bit more hurdles than the Erica team does every when it come to the
language barrier culture differences unfamiliar with each

That that is difficult. You
brought you brought, you acting like broadcaster right now, man.
All right. I mean I'm but I can't stand like like everybody's like the
language barriers, dude. You had eight, you have five Koreans to
Canadians and of all the Koreans they all speak
English. Everybody was so like, mystified the Tom Kim We spoke wonderful English. It's
like what do you mean it? Get these regrouping Australia like
I'm not a duck. Don't don't trip. Cause you know, I'm not,
I'm not building on you. I'm just saying, like no broadcast
announcers been doing this stuff, and it's frustrating. How many times have you and I spoke? And somebody says, hey,
you speak. Well, he speak great all the time, every week. And people like what? I tell
people, I do broadcast and got a podcast or like And golf.

Right. Right, right. It's isn't it just for,
I'm out. Friends out there who are white, when, when I come out of the
podcast and get into broadcasting and, you know,
announcing pronouncing my words a little better. And now see, a
Ting is what you just said. I love it. Yeah, exactly. You be you, I'm being me. I like
that. Beard isn't enough. I ate our
now. See, he's an announced theater. So when you say, Say you you speak well to to0 in
conjunction with or you speak. Well as if it was
surprised that's not. So this is super insult. It's super insult that's what
everybody know that on my. Oh my yeah my wife there. Yeah it Internationals as well.
No but I like your point will that you make because I think I was in shock and I can get the
cat about.

I was a child, Charlotte for the Charlie
sifford cup what three weeks ago, four weeks ago, and the
international team was playing a practice round and I saw the team and I told I
told Trav I wouldn't, I wouldn't snitch so if we get some stuff came out it
wasn't me. I wouldn't snitch it. So anyway, I saw who the
team was back then and that was the same
day that cam Smith had made his announcement that he was going
to live and Joaquin Niemann and whoever else did and what I find interesting, is
that In the in the face of so much
adversity, will the Trevor immelman and the team
of Captain's co-captains this Captain's that he put it around himself
and the players that came in I mean let's just be honest

How many people and I'm
not trying to be critical I'm just
being honest. How many people have really heard of Taylor
pendred? How many people have really heard of Christian Bizet?
Now Tom Kim new on the scene you
take you take time, Kim's last
ten PGA Tour events as tournament finishes, and
you've no one's ever heard of Them, right? So now I'll go. Now
let's some broadcasting now. I'm just saying, like Mommy. All I'm saying is As your as you pointed out, I
think these guys really did a hell of a job to put up a fight to try to win this Presidents
Cup especially with all the adversity and then we go
back to live.

Okay so what would this team was the
team of look like if they did have walking Neiman or Abraham
answer, or, or cam-cam Smith, I did hear Paul azinger. Call,
Cam Smith came Davis on air and
I lost it. I thought it was
hysterical to make me laugh. MPS. The amount of stuff that
Paul azinger gets away with saying, in messing up on air, I would never, I would never
have a job. If I did what he did, I'm just saying, man. That
that the, what if I said, what do you say? What's his name
again? What he's all about the bat, he
caught, he caught a meat open era like we are not about to go
get some coffee Neato Panera Bread. He said he said meet open era or
whatever his name is what I days.

Never no no, no is all I know is if we talk
about MVPs I'm gonna give Tom Kim and Jordan Spieth, my MVP, but
I'm going to give Paul azinger. Nothing for his performance this
week because he makes me laugh with
them. He said he said, you know, No Sunjai am.
He was a journeyman there on the corner and he said, he's
a journeyman on the tour or whatever they call the tour.
Now, what's it called? He asked, Dan Hicks, he what the web doc. What the tour was
called. He's like he said did then they're like Dan Hicks was like the Korn
Ferry Tour? All like Sultry and he goes, yeah, well,
whatever is called these days, they change it so much. Like what? Hey, wait, you guys
didn't break. Are you thinking of a break? Hey, if that now,
Dougie, if he would have said, all right, yeah, yeah,

Then we got it or Nationwide. If you said
Nationwide Nationwide. 50/50 we got, we got a problem. What do you say? Lets you start, go ahead and
take what I'm saying, is this going back to, you know, I'm, you know, giving Kudos to with
the new international team did just overcoming hurdles but I know I brought up the fact
that, you know, they really didn't know each
other that well on the personal basis to go into

Now, use that for golf intensive purposes fair and and Spieth and Thomas went for known for some as well
as for no and in for ball matches before, no
enforcement for ball matches. I can't lie and it's awfully. Known each other both from
California holiday vacation, One in New Orleans that is a camaraderie that you
have gone into play people. International team
didn't have that per se and that's why I really I really wish that you know
things right could have been different, you know with the
live situation but you still have to give kudos to those guys
came to fight nine straight wins for the USD the dude look and And I was
gonna get on that because I know we're going along on the
Presidents Cup. What? I think it is worth staying here. Look nine. Straight victory of in the
history of the Presidents Cup.

The Europeans have one or
Europeans, the family, Paul azinger. Now, the international team has only
won one time. See how they came back around
and go? Yeah, Paul black singer, they've won once right. And so
like my whole take away will is like the viability of this
business model. No, like you've got a team that is handily beat
out of the other side. Sorry, there's a beep that for so many years. They want a
1998. That's the last time. Greg Norman was on the team. When the, when the
Internationals one, let's just put that in perspective. How viable is the Presidents Cup
moving forward? Like how viable because you made a good
point, right? But the kids in my attitude is it should be like
the top 12 US men's and women's. I loved. Oh I like that.

I love it was
appalled. Mcginnises McGinley, I'll get Palmer. I get
the mcginnises. And again these backwards I like having the women involved
in the Presidents Cup. Especially if it's going to be
just a shellacking by the American team. Or after year to the other
national team, like it's just annoying. Like I found myself
rooting for the international team,
especially when Tom Kim made that putt on Saturday. I
was lit. Like I was up screaming, it felt like tiger
was putting. Yeah, yeah, sit with seat with, you can't be sod
intensity of single. Kim on the 18th yesterday that did it for me. That's when that's when I just
realized like this is this, it could be something. It has opportunity to grow, has opportunity to grow.

For the viewer in spectator,
especially the guy who's 59 at who's attending, personally? I
got, but I want to see more golf if I'm there on the ground,
I want to see more about, I wanna see more golf.
Yeah. And and, you know what, PGA Tour money to
calls for this one, you know, how to really how to really kind of execute
and, you know, enhancing The Fan Experience. I like that.
Junior president cup playing as well. The woman's s, that might be something cuz
all around where you get non-stop Golf and you Golf and
you just go. So every every country is
rooting for, you know, you know, whoever they're
rooting for. So I think that would be something special. Well
it's funny that you mentioned the, the junior
golfers and Beyond the Fairway is presented by Genesis motor
America and the 2022 G V8. E luxurious design meets
intuitive, versatility.

Make the game you our own will, but I
saw something this week to that really like annoys me is. And we give kudos to notah
Begay. All right? No, no, it was the Junior. It's Cup captain and you know fellow metal needed
individual but he's got a business partner
on his tour. Its name is Ryan Burr. All have may have no and be familiar with mr. Burr. It's very good broadcaster. He's
a host worked at ESPN, Golf Channel.
PGA Tour live. He does a lot of golf stuff but Ryan brr. Ryan Burr interview, Charlie
Woods after a career-low 68, as he tries to qualify for, on
the on the notah Begay circuit. What? I don't understand. Will why the hell why the hell we
talked about Charlie Woods shooting 68? Damn doug because 0.68 I'm not
saying it like that. Like okay you know Charlie Woods is Tiger son. Like I feel like every time I
blink, he's gained 3 inches of height and he's four years older
now. So he's got to be at least 17. Right. My thing about it is,
it's like If Jim Furyk had a son and shot 68 and notice event.
Will he get an interview? It's deaf can't if Steph Curry
son shot 68 and they'll be gays event.

Can't he get an interview probably because he has I'm but
you see Mike I'm saying I'm saying. Go ahead and clip that like clip
that right there what? But Nick Watney if Nick Watney had a
son what his son get interviewed. I think I think
this know you have a point right there
does because it makes you wonder if we want to protect the
privacy of of tiger and Charlie. So they can
really In golf that father-son, the
moment. I think we're starting a bad path with interviewing Charlie such a young age at this
moment in time. Like I said that, that's what
I'm saying.

That's right. So that's the point. I'm trying to
make immediate. There's a comedian in
the right but if they if they had a son that was shoot. 68. Yes, you're on that point. Yes,
that's a little unfair little weird but I'm not I don't really
care about that. I'm getting to know. I don't want
Charlie to turn into the old. Where he just because tiger was
good at it. Tiger didn't have to talk. Nobody he was very Curt and I don't want Charlie to pick
up on that because we do love this new tiger, be a little
vulnerable being. You know, engaging I want tiger to have
that, excuse me, Charlie, have that innocence about him. So I don't like, I don't, I'm not a
big fan of the of the interview so early and that's my point to there's no reason. Like, look, I like Charlie
Woods. I interview them at the father son
again. It. That's part of the pageantry of the event, but
really go out and making the thing, and you can check it
on Twitter.

Shout out to Jeff
eyes and banned for sending me that on Twitter Ryan brr, I'm Ryan will have to have a
conversation about that, but will this is our season finale, right? Like, and I've
been thinking about this a lot lately, like my takeaways and my
favorite moments and episodes. From this year, I'm gonna give you a minute to
thank because I have one because, and I'm going to post
this on Instagram, probably later next week. Because I think j.r. Smith said some of the most gangster stuff
on our episode that we did with him. And by the way, Charlie,
Charlie Woods /, the last segment he finished tied for fourth. So I don't know how many fourth
place finishers, get interviews just saying stop but Jr. JR, says some of
the realest tough man, especially as a guy like me who
play the University of Louisville Transfer play golf or am the disparities between,
you know, high level.

Pwi. I hate that expression, pwi
golf versus HBCU Golf and everybody's like HBCU this.
Buzzword and J are quite bluntly was just
like man. This is trash man. Like this ain't these guys ain't
gonna be ready for nothing coming out of HBCU and that was so impactful
because I lived it, you know what I'm saying. Like I lived it
and I know what these guys are going through and gals as
well and then you look at you know conversations to and
you learn that. There's no there's no Jackson State. One of the one of the strongest
power houses in Black golf.

It doesn't have a golf team
anymore. Like, how is that even real? Like that? Like, it blows my mind. So, when I
think of what just Jr. Put down, man. That was that, was
that hit me? Hit me, pretty tough. Yeah. Yeah. That was that was a good
episode because he that was I want to say that was one of
the more or one of the few interviews. Jr. Was vulnerable
with us. I may start talking about that. His ADD and learning disability excited and he brought me out the box. I think I got ADD ADHD. You got something But I will say this, though, I want to say, what am I? I got a lot of it. Got a lot of I don't screw, he's a word but a
lot of a lot of positive feedback and perhaps some oh –
was the episode a few weeks ago regarding the parents that I've gathered
from all across go from from from the hurricane tours to wherever I have seen junior golf from being a player
as well and giving my honest opinion
about my point of view, hmm.

I think that was a more one of
the more interesting episode that need to be discussed, do I?
And I'm glad you did it because because, you know, a lot
of governing bodies and golf reached out that week, and
they were much appreciative of that conversation, we had this
my a****** parents out here, There are, but I'm standing.
It's just there. I don't care. I'll say it, I
grew up with a few up help. I grew up. Not wanting to play
golf on Thursday groups and, and beat them. And I'll
pick you up later. He was my dad's an air races. So you
have to understand that That was my motivational speech.
Like that's real though.

Like doggy. All right, man. Don't you come
back in here and get all right? What will ya? You honesty? Right here.
Presented by Genesis yeah, yeah, that that was I get that
speech. I mean Can you get? I could do it? I mean, you know, my dad, I
wish my dad was a little tougher. Again, I was a
nationally ranked tennis player as well played during golf. My dad was the Into a certain state do Doug.
And then what I hate to be Angels Advocate, but I'm about
to be is that what is that one of the Requiring requiring factors to
become successful is to be the helicopter. I don't think so. I don't think
so because, but think about, I think, what the misconception
is. And this is, this is strictly for my point of view
when I talk to parents such as this is that they always bring
up. Joe Jackson they bring up mr. They bring up Serena Williams
Rich mr. Mr. William Richard Farina
restoration, yes? Right, they always bring up, you know,
King Richard, we're gonna call King Richard. Yeah. They always
bring up the parents that have made it who have seen their public display in public know
that their parents were helicopter.

Parent. And I'm starting to see
parents kind of compare like, oh, this is, this is where I mean, this is.
This need to be done for our kids to get that next level. And I think that's where the
misconception is, you know, and I but again, but it's going back
to me, though. Does I wish my, I did what I told. Seriously, I
wish my dad was a little harder on me. Like my dad was hey, if you want to stop today, we can stop today. Yeah. But
then you go take that same mentality and you put it into
her on top of a CC Sabathia, right? We talked to him about
his pops and in the documentary that he has other people go
watch. He didn't have that, he didn't have no helicopter,
nothing, he had his helicopter a self, you know.

So I do I
think, you know, when you compare the
the Williams sisters to CC Sabathia /, what we know, right
/ what we know from meeting media and what we see in movies,
Etc articles, there's also a certain internal something that that Serena had
tiger had that CC without a Helicopter
parent also have so I don't know, I don't know what the
formula is there. And shout out to CC Sabathia
coming on this season season 2 of beyond the Fairway. We it
took us. I wish people understood how
long it takes us to get a guest
to sit.

They ass down on here. It's not as easy as it
sounds, especially when you try to get like an Anthony look, we just go back. We're talking about highlights
from the season. All right bag. What Topo Anthony Anderson supposed to
warm up for his practice round on a Wednesday. Okay, and the Anderson gets to
The Practice Tee as the carts are
filing off to the golf course. So, please check that out on
Wheels, Instagram. He got cussed out by Anthony Anderson
during that procession now. We're supposed to record with
Anthony during his warm-up like before he went to play. Well, I don't remember this. I
do remember this and he said, I got y'all when I
come back.

When he came back, it was five
and a half hours later. Me and Will was still sitting at the
seat like this. All right, man. Let's let's go ahead and do the
pot. So I said this a all the effort
that goes in to this podcast because we love you and Genesis and money all the above. That's
why we do it. We love that the tens and tens
of followers. That that that subscribe. Yes, we do. Hey, did any of y'all need some
from the gas station? By the way. You know what? I'm happy about,
you know, the American Century next year
because I really felt like a lot of players were really excited about
talking to us you know boom them before they
like Megan and almost had to hold me
at gunpoint.

Like come on, stop this man. I think it could come on. Hey, I got some of your back
right now. Normal to Sharp. Don't move too
quick but but uh, But but, you know,
it was good and I think, I think that, we're, you know,
we're starting to, you know, I'm starting to see businesses
asking questions, like, you know, will we see what
behind the Fairway is doing? And how can we be a part of the
of the of the conversation and I and that's all we really
care about do we want to keep the thing thriving, keep this
thing going so we can be the lead on diverse conversations in this game of golf and the sport that we all love. I mean that's that's that's
well-stated, but I I got some qualms with the how
you said that personally will because you got to black folks.

about golf, you go and get a diverse conversation. Is that
you don't have to, like, make the f*** you gonna get the
diversity. Like, you're gonna get a, an opposing view than the
majority has just because you got two of us on here you so
you don't really have to like make an effort. Like if you
really just want to know what's crash true and I hear from the
same as people then, come right here, right? And I think that, I
think that's the problem with diversity and I hope that people People understand that we are
diverse people in a non diverse sport.

So if you really want to
understand what's really cracking, then you should pull
up to us and talk to us first and then we can give you the
yard is that you need for a nominal fee? Yeah, absolutely. I I really appreciate. I really appreciate it POV
because you see it. You see you start to see like players kind of let their hair
down. Like we have got to know a lot of the players off beyond
the fair off camera that recognizes and you See they let their hair down
with us. Like it's like like me. You know what you're
not in media yet? Like we're not,
we're not eating yet. We're not yet. Not yet, not yet. But you
know, I appreciate that. And you know, I see where this is platform of ours is going and you're not media sign it until your, maybe he's right, all right.

Now but
also some real stuff and we appreciate y'all rocket with us
right here and be on The Fairway. NBC golf channel. All the folks that have have
downloaded. Listen subscribe, follow. So hit me up, I mean,
that we've gone to events where people are like Doug, what's up?
And I'm like, I don't know you, but what's happening? And
it's a really interesting experience, but it's so
appreciated, and I appreciate what we get back.
So, thank you all so much for just being there for us to.
I mean, we also use this as a platform to vent, talk about
our frustrations, you know what I'm saying? So, we appreciate
y'all being here, appreciate you just, just just being around, man,
will send us out of here, man.

Well, I got a question for you
because because I want to, I want I'm all about progress
and, and being better than where we are right now. What are
you going to do Doug between now? And the next time
we're back on? I don't know, a couple months from now to enhance and improve the game
of golf. For the next man, I'm gonna be
my damn, self will be my damn self and make
sure I'm in every conversation about broadcast about podcast
about reporting. Because if nobody can see us out here doing
this, This work then they don't can't believe or Aspire
toward it. So I'm going everywhere. I'm going to be look all the little high-ups and
ESPN, PGA Tour, you know? And if none of this
cracks that I'm calling live, I'ma tell you right now, I'm
just letting you know, so ESPN, PGA Tour golf channel y'all got
first dibs.

So let's let's make it crack and they got money to. I'm just
not just playing and now I'm really trying to not trying to be everywhere, but
I want to make sure that golf is coming from like you
say, will our Dump it, you know, and I'm
gonna do it my way, you know call me blue eyes over
here and do it my way and hopefully people gravitate
toward that's where I met you. I think same thing man, just
kind of continue the efforts of you know having this game grow
organically and also putting myself in position, let
me to help businesses have the ability to create and have a conversation with
other communities through the game of golf.

Look, we're
getting so big. – folks, I love. Sorry. I'm so that's
not, I'm not get that
businesses. Go talk to well, but anybody out
there that think, just get this out here. That thing called him, them
Castile know how to play. No golf may I smoke? I dusted.
Look, if you come to Phoenix, DM me, the Douglas fresh, I will
put put whatever you want play for, we can put it up, and
I will bust your self because I'm sick of people
acting like we can't play. I want all the smoke I want to
smoke. Give it to me before we go. Who do you think as partners? If, you know, we
got Jordan, Spieth, George, Jimmy,
Jordan and Thomas, you know, their friends, they
groom each other, we known each other Who as a two-man.

Would you want to go
against in the podcast space radio, Space TV personality
space and Gulf? Who would it would it would it
be? The last Point here, by the way,
all of them. Give me the know laying up,
guys, give me the sub Park, actually, not subpar. I don't
know if I really want to see Drew and Colt, I'm gonna say
that they kind of cold. I don't want to see him. Don't do that,
don't do that. We don't do that, bro. Do not back
out right now. That lady like that, don't do that. All right,
up out of here, buddy, sleazo, Nicole knows. That's
what. Whoa yeah. Bring the guy. We do a podcast battles. That's that's that I think David
top of the golf like the good. Good news. They
cool and whatnot but like they don't believe they did. The PGA Tour and
didn't play in the USGA for ball pretty good.

They're good.
Good, are they are they're good at golf. Like they're not but they're
not, they're not like with us but cult knows play on the PGA
tour, Bruce Lee's and Drew Kittleson couple weeks ago. Play in the USGA for ball and almost won. So they got a
little bit more, you know, turn them in pedigree. That's what I
need. Like anybody can go hit and giggle almost turned to go.
I think we give them business. All right. We really appreciate
everybody joining us for this. He's in second season of Beyond
affair with as presented by Genesis and Doug. And I are
signing out, we hope to are you reading right now? I'm literally up to.
It sounds like you're reading. Well, I mean, my broadcast
space. Okay, baby. It just sounded like
you were, I thought you were reading. Go ahead. Sorry, I'm just making sure I
understand what? Well, go ahead and do not read.

No, no, I just
want to make sure I'll be seen by the way. You look at the
street, I'm looking, and I'm trying to get better. And
looking to the exact camera as opposed. You weren't even
looking in the camera you were looking at the Jean underneath the camera.
Well, I'm looking at you, I will do it again.

Saddle, all right, well I appreciate
everybody joining in for the second season Beyond The
Fairly presented by Genesis and Doug. And I had the pleasure
of spending time with you talking golf from different
Clubhouse from our Patty pain and you catching the
vulnerability of Doug and I think you're still reading. I'm
looking at you in the screen though. What do I mean by? Everybody liked him..