one of our most popular videos is our salt shipping film where we whether at a mere VW Beetle to look battered and rusty we built it because we like to take an occasional break from military subjects to practice our painting techniques we thought we'd show you another similar project the complete build of this one twenty-fourth scale Revell Golf GTI we promised it in an earlier video and so here it is broken down into parts with a bit more detail and commentary the idea is to once again make a ratty vehicle firstly it's worth stating that this is a great kit it was released by Revell in 2014 and appears to boast all new moldings and parts let's get started with the build after a quick scan through the parts we prepare our tools they're all pretty standard for any modular sprue cutters tweezers craft knives a pin vise for drilling and sanding sticks for cleanup we tend to build by tackling several stages at once removing all the parts and getting them ready for filling and cleanup we're going to be removing mold lines and flash as well as sanding down the molding stubs here you can see the cleanup in progress there are some sink marks here and there that we filled with putty the body show looks high-quality but there are fine mould lines that need careful sanding to remove we tackle these with the selection of different grades of sanding stick from Squadron then it's time to restore shine to the shell using some polishing compound and plastic polish next we decided to add some more detail to the panel lines to do this at all from our bee productions called the scriber was used it comes as photo etched parts and you assemble it yourself ending up with this it makes it easy to make the panel lines more pronounced as our golf was going to be really battered it seemed fitting to add some dents and damage this was done with a fairly cheap soldiering iron very gently the plastic was heated and melted sometimes rounded tools like these were used to create dents other times the plastic was melted directly any plastic buildup can be sanded away and any damaged filled and smooth with sanding to get the sorts of holes seen in rusty panels we attack the plastic from behind with a mini drill and burr when the plastic is thinned you can puncture it easily with a blade or drill bit you can see a sanding filling and sanding again to get the look and finish we're after after a bit of work this is the result when we make a car we like to get painting as quickly as possible so the body shell was prepared for some paint to create a rust base mo buy make acrylic primers were used just build up gentle coats by a brush to get even coverage it's time now to get the panels to look different and weathered using lifecolor acrylics from their rust and dust diorama set we mask off and prepare to spray panels in different tones you can see us spraying through the ghouls on some panels to get a mottled effect you can find out more about this technique in our other videos it's worth remembering that this will be painted over then chipped so the effect doesn't have to be perfect to get specs and dots of rust all over the car life color rust shades are stippled on with the airbrush set at minimal pressure in order to protect the paint from what's to come we seal with johnson's clear floor polish the look we were after involves having some parts that have been exchanged so with the tailgate we wanted to show a replacement part in red after masking we use some aka interactive heavy chipping solution and when dry added some water and rock salt after a light spray in Tamiya gray the rock salt was brushed off once the salt is removed here's what's left next white was sprayed on in very thin coats this time we attacked the paint layers with water to get the heavy chipping solution to react here's the result damaged and corroded paint time now to source again before over spraying with red we mix the paint with Tamiya lacquer thinner this will make it tougher but also it can be buffed easily to a high shine the intention is to polish the Tamiya paint after application to get a sheen this will contrasts nicely with the rusty panels the reef is next it will get a similar treatment water then rock salt in the center first gray is used over the top before repeating the whole process enough white mixed from Tamiya paints with the roof nicely weathered is time to end this part we'll pick up next time as we get the rest of the body shell rusted and weathered if you enjoyed this remember you can hit subscribe to get our video updates if you want to receive notifications of our next videos click the bell also we'd really appreciate a like on Facebook to show your support well you can follow any of our other social media feeds until next time bye subscribe for our latest videos