hello to all welcome to the
Dauphiné detailing channel today little pigment repainting work on
the door top strips of a golf cabriolet havanna parts that can be
found new in black but unfortunately not in brown our client has sent us so sent
new black moldings which we started by cleaning and degreasing after a light abrasion and
degreasing again it's time to apply a plastic specific primer the tint was custom made with a sample provided by the
customer from an original part 2 after filtration this
color was applied with a spray gun in several coats with a
heat gun drying between each coat after the color I applied a top coat
with a personalized degree of matte on all the parts in several layers
always dried with a stripper between each 1 that's it for today I'll leave you with
the final rendering while maybe waiting for photos from my client
once the chopsticks are up to see the rendering inside
his vehicle thank you all see you soon and