Hi everyone, my name is Aimee. Today I'm going to talk to you about the difference between rolling and spinning. I have a 58 degree wedge here. Let's demonstrate the difference between the two shots. The first shot I'm going to show you is the spin shot. Usually I put a little extra attention to checking the spin shot so once the ball lands, it will stop immediately. So the ball doesn't go too far away from you. Usually there are a few things you need to do differently. When you're going to straighten the ball, you're going to put the golf ball a little to the left. So you're up when you're close. On the hole shot, you have the feeling of finishing the club very quickly after hitting the golf ball, don't you? This momentary swing obviously takes you a while but you have to pretend like you're going to hit the ball and hit it exactly where you want it, let's try it out…that's how you see the ball bouncing It's good after the actual operation and it stops immediately so what usually happens is: if you guys put the ball a little on your left foot it will create a little more loft on your clubhead so let's say it's like a 60 degree a wedge instead of a 58 degree wedge so it will fly a little higher and land a little lighter because I'm going to hit the ball down and stop at the point of the golf ball giving it a little more speed Move it so the ball hits more grooves and puts a little extra backspin on it ok I don't know if you guys notice the size of the arc here the backswing is about twice as big as the downswing So the ratio of backswing to downswing is 2:1.

Remember these three points. Usually with the same club for a rolling hole shot, all you have to do is to put the ball in the stance. A little on the right foot I'd say maybe a ball or two just right where your regular hole shot is and what to do is: the face is a little bit straighter relative to the ground so that makes 58 degrees to about 54 Between degrees makes the ball a little lower than the regular and it will run a little more So there's more instant energy to deal with the target, so the ball runs a little better . You can see that when hitting the ball, my left hand dominates a little bit more with the first shot I showed you guys. It's different so it's a little bit better to use the wrist to dominate and it's easier to push as long as the arc size of the swing is done like this: we say the backswing is about 1 size and the downswing is about 1.5 size , so it's 1 to 1.5 so just keep in mind the points I've shown you above.

Before I wrap up this lesson, I'd like to give you one more tip to reduce the error of hitting the ball in the close hole. If you can keep Do these two things consistently on the hole shot and you'll have a very consistent hole shot so usually what you do, the first point is: you need to pick whether you're going to put a little spin or you're going to To roll you commit yourself: are you going to hit the ball down or are you going to push the ball, right? The second point, you have to pick the arc of your golf swing.

You have to commit yourself: are you going to do a 2:1 ratio or a 1:1.5 ratio I know this sounds basic but it really makes a difference if everyone first Think about it for a while and then put it into practice so from now on I hope you guys can control your close shots like this and I hope you guys can follow along and if you like this lesson don't forget to visit our YouTube Channel us see you next class.