– Here it is, my brand new Callaway Epic driver has a problem with it. The ball doesn't go straight. Today we're gonna borrow a term from the golf world to describe
one of the sales basics, the pre-shot routine. (upbeat music) Greetings everyone. Welcome to another five
minutes sales training. I have to tell you, I am an excellent golfer. I am a good golfer. My golf game can be described more like five hours
of landscape redesign. – It looks like I'm a
wreck. It's in the hole. – Okay, so I'm not good at golf. In fact, if you want to
make me feel really bad, tell me you are a registered
handicap in the comments below.

And then you can make me feel
good by giving this video a, a like and a subscribe. So I'm not a great golfer, but I do understand the
principle of a pre-shot routine. It is the ritual that golfers go through, before every shot to make sure that they are fully prepared. This is what the best
golfers in the world do. – Here I'm gonna share with you my key or my thoughts on
a good pre-shot routine. Meaning the things I do
just before I hit the shot. – And that routine is critical
because it sets you up for excellence. It is an excellence habit, and it ensures that
you are fully prepared. Of course, sometimes the pre-shot routine gets
a little bit out of hand. – Watch him now he'll shuffle his feet, he'll twirl a club, he'll fix his cap. Walk in, walk back, Park in, walk back. – So you're about to talk to a prospect. Are you ready? Are you in it? Just a few moments of mental preparation will go a long way to enhancing the quality of the conversation that you are about to have.

You know one of the things
that I like to do when I'm out and about is, I like to spy on salespeople. And just get a sense of how mentally prepared they are. I admit I've been known to stand, behind a clothing rack
at a Nordstrom and just spy on salespeople. You get, you can learn so much without
even having a conversation, but mostly I want to say, how prepared are they
for that next encounter? Now, if you've never planned
out your pre-shot routine, this video is for you.

It's time to get strategic. Strategary. (audience laughs) So let me help you develop
your own pre-shot routine. And we want to look at three things, positive energy, the expectation to get the sale, and facial posture. It all begins with positive
energy in your pre-shot routine. A major objective here is
to make sure that you are as positive as you could be. That doesn't mean you
have to be bubbly or giddy or coming out of your shoes. It means you need to bring
your best positive energy. So what are you doing
during your pre-shot routine to make sure that that positive
energy is very, very strong? But then it moves on to the
expectation of the sale. In your pre-shot routine you're thinking, how do I advance this
sale to its culmination, to the point where the buyer wants to buy? You want that path in your
brain before you begin.

And then finally, the third point is to develop a strong,
what I call facial posture. It's a lift to the face. That's how we show energy.
The people can see us and they can see that person is into this. They want to be here. So now it's time for you to
start working on your own personalized pre-shot routine. Write down just a couple of bullet points as to what that looks like,
and then keep it on your desk or maybe next to your phone.

The key here is
intentionality and repetition. When we think about intentionality, it means that no one
accidentally wins a race, no one accidentally sells anything. You have to be intentional
about being your best self, but it also means repetition. That is that you want to
make sure that your pre-shot routine is something that
you do over and over again, every single time. You don't want to greet a
customer without being there as your best positive energy self. That pre-shot routine
separates you from everything that you were doing and focuses in on what's most important now. The relationship with your new customer. And thanks for watching another episode of the five minute sales training. And until next time my friends
learn more to learn more. (upbeat music).