today i'm going to give you my top five
tips on how to learn the single plane golf swing.
i've been teaching the single plane golf swing for almost 25 years now
and i've found a way to simply customize this so that people can learn it
much more quickly and with less pain these are the steps that i recommend
people take in trying out the single plane golf
swing for the fastest success possible so i've been lucky to work with
thousands of people like yourself and my top goal is always help people
improve quickly my goal is that you go to the range and
hit the ball better you go on the golf course and you play better
as fast as possible not that you spend countless
hours and months and years trying to exactly copy another individual be it
moe norman or bryson dechambeau based on my experience it's just not possible to
exactly copy another person.

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that also helps my channel grow so you can see me warming up a little
bit here and i'm just loosening up hitting a few
shots and i'm going to go through here step by step exactly what you need
to do i'm going to give you my top five steps for how to get started
learning the single plane golf swing for more information of course
visit my website linked below in the description
so the first step that you need to follow
to play single plane golf is to raise your hands meaning here at setup
is the conventional method the conventional setup has the hands hanging
below the shoulders all i want you to do without changing
anything else is simply raise the hands up in so doing
you may find that you can stand up a little bit
more upright so we don't want to raise the hands and end up standing
farther from the ball than we're used to the farther away you stand the more
difficult you make the game so i do this so
as i'm setting up if this is conventional
i just raise the hands up like that so i'm just raising them up
i also push the hands slightly forward but what i'm doing is moving the hands
into an uncocked position so if you hold the club in front of you
like this and let the hands relax you'll find yourself in a position what
we call the wrists are in ulnar deviation uh really it's
just uncocked i like to keep things as simple
as possible and it's just an uncocked position
and that's how we're going to set up to the ball so once you get set up in that
position then i want you to make a few practice
swings to get used to the feeling of setting up there all
we're really doing with this is setting up in the position that we're
going to be in at impact anyway if you've seen some of
my recent videos you see me showing you the difference
between the top players over the last 50 or 60 years where they
are at set up and where they are at impact and every
one of them that i showed you from ben hogan to sam snead
arnold palmer jack nicklaus tiger woods rory
and some others every one of them are here at setup
and at impact they're all here in an uncocked
wrist position and so it's a huge benefit
the biggest benefit to you of this method
set up for impact is the easiest way you can learn to play golf because we're
simply setting up on our impact plane so get used to this just setting up in
this position i'll do it like this set up wrists uncocked and then bend
forward to the club's on the ground and make a
few practice swings notice where you're hitting the ground
because that's going to give you a good idea as to how far away you need
to set up from the ball so the second tip is to
take your trailing arm and make sure
that it's also on the same plane as the golf club so if you took
held the club here horizontally and this is the easiest way to start
we want to take the trailing arm here and make sure that it's on the same
plane or at the same angle at least to the elbow of the
trailing arm so we don't want to set up with the arm
straight and that was a problem with the norman
swing and the people copying that is starting with the arm straight like
this the problem is that impact the arm is
going to be bent in a proper swing and so that what
happens is in order to hit the ball you need to drop down quite a bit that's
why most people really struggle with that method
so if you would set up with the arms a little bit the trailing arm
a little bit bend that's also how we're going to be going through
impact so to get the arm on plane most of you will need to take the
trailing arm and just turn it a little bit away from
the target like this and then as we slide it in
there it's in a position now where it's not
going to have to rotate in order to square up the club now this
is customizable the amount that the trailing hand is
under the grip is customizable and in some cases we'll
modify that to be a little bit less under or a
little bit more under depending on what the ball flight
is doing this is also i help people step by step through
learning my setup for impact golf swing on my website membership is very
inexpensive and you can submit videos to me for my review
but basically if you're too far under with the trailing hand what will happen
you'll tend to hook the ball or have a closed club face
if you're too much on top as many people are in the beginning
what happens is when you come into impact the arm comes into alignment
but the club face is then open so we want to get it in the right position
where it's set up on plane like that and then again make some swings to get
used to it making sure that you know how far
away from your feet you're hitting the ground because that's going to be your
distance from the ball again we don't want to stand too far
away so the third step and really important once you have
the hands raised up as we talked about in the first step and
the second step the trailing arm on plane
when we make swings we want to see that we're getting good ground
contact here starting at the ball and beyond and the main thing we're
trying to do is just have a feeling that the club
head is scraping along the ground so it's coming in and
it's scraping along the ground which creates a nice
flat spot through impact and so our goal is to get a feel for that a lot of
people switching to single plane end up hitting topping the ball hitting
it thin and also sometimes hitting it fat to
compensate for topping it the reason is they're used to
compensating for the hands being low and then pulling away and so we need to
see that we focus especially when we go on
the golf course we're focusing on the proper ground
contact so i'll do it like this when i'm set up
i'll try to get a feeling for impact my body's going to be more turned
and i want to see the grip is leading through impact and
the club is just going to scrape along the ground
at the same time the club's staying pretty square
to the target as the sole of the club glides along the ground towards the
target so i'll start out getting used to hitting the ground just
with some short swings and that's part of my learning program
that i have on my website also that we're starting
out getting a feel here for making contact there try to make sure
that your head stays in position which is in the back center of your
stance so between the center of your stance
and the inside of your trailing foot the head stays there
as we're trying to make contact beyond the ball
once you make a few swings and you make good
ground top contact there with a short swing
then we'll go to the ball make sure again hands are up
trailing arms on plane and then ground contact
like that dead straight and a good impact so that's kind of how
also how i'll take it to the golf course is i'll use my
practice swings to get a feel for the lie
and the rhythm of the swing and then i'll go to the ball
and just repeat that same thing and that's just like a half swing just
to get the feel for it i see a lot of guys go out and you know
they're going to try this new swing and they get set up there and as hard as
they can hit it so most people have just one speed so
it's really to your benefit to slow down my learning system takes
you through four different swing lengths starting
out and really just starting with really short swings to get a feel for it
and of course those short swings can be used for chip shots pitch shots
and so on working from a quarter swing to a
half swing three quarters in full and this is the simplest way to improve your
golf swing just learning step by step now a lot of you just raising the hands
up getting on plane as long as you have the right distance
from the ball you're going to hit the ball better
overnight so i get that a lot you'll see that in the comments of
my other videos how people improved really quickly
and i'm sharing with you some of my top content here so
again please subscribe here and like this video
it helps me a lot so as we talk then about step four as you're going through
this system here is simply do not restrict
your body i see a lot of people especially trying
to copy mo norman or the single plane golf swing they're
restricting their body turn they're trying to keep their feet on the ground
it looks kind of like like this and that's obviously a very unathletic
motion it's very unnatural it's very hard to
repeat and it limits the speed that you can
create a recent video analysis that i did of
bryson d chambeau you can see his trailing foot coming up as he starts
down in the swing so his trailing heels off
the ground an inch or so through impact and well before impact it
has no effect on being able to hit the ball properly
as some have led you to believe that raising the heel and straightening the
lead leg makes you raise up it doesn't you see i
raise i can raise the heel and straighten the
leading leg and my body doesn't raise up so
all it's doing it's a mechanism for getting my hips turned
towards the target getting turned and getting the body turned which helps
us not only increase speed but it's also what helps us get the club
which also helps us get the grip leading through impact
which gives us that flat spot through impact
square club face longer and a consistently straight
path so it's really critical to not restrict the turning of the body
so i recommend people do this try to feel
how turned can you get at impact so if i can get turned say 40 degrees
with my hips and upper body then i'm making swings
and when i'm practicing i'm trying to get there as i'm practicing trying to
get to that position much as if i was going to throw a rock
or something throw a ball it'd be the same thing
i'd be turned towards the target as i'm releasing
so don't restrict i'll look at my videos here on youtube on my website
i have the step-by-step program which also allows you to send in videos for my
review so in the fifth step we're going to talk
about the grip and how to adjust the grip
you might notice that in the beginning of this video step one i didn't really
talk about how to put the hands on the golf club
and that's because i take care of that as we go along
if somebody comes to my schools or for lessons and they have a very strong grip
in the past teaching most swing we had to make that neutral and the
problem for the poor person was they hit the ball so
terribly for many months that most of them gave
up and the fact of the matter is that you can be successful at golf
with a grip strength from here to here so anywhere from very strong
to neutral there have been major champions so
you can be successful at single playing golf with any grip
strength now if you're hitting balls and you get into learning the
swing and the ball is tending to hook and move
to the left meaning the club face is closed
through impact then we're going to take the leading hand
and we're just going to move it slightly towards neutral
we're not moving it from strong all the way to neutral
we're just moving it from here a little bit
say a quarter of an inch over and hit some balls and keep adjusting
until you find the grip where the ball flies straight
now you may go if you go too far over what will happen you'll hit the
ball and the club face will be open and it'll fly a little bit high and to
the right the same can be done if it's not the
lead hand causing the issue we can also take the
trailing hand and adjust that slightly so i like to
feel like the palms are kind of opposing each other
but if we get too much on top with the trailing hand
the club face will tend to be open too much underneath
the club face will tend to be closed so customize your grip and fit it to the
swing now some people are hitting the ball uh
to the left as a right-handed golfer because
they're releasing it early and so my drills on the website deal a lot with
teaching you to release at the right time a later release
keeps the club from closing early so that's also can be a factor
and again members can send in videos for my review
you can check it out on my website linked below
and again please do me a huge favor subscribe
to my channel here there's going to be a lot more content coming out
i have tons of videos here all aimed at helping you improve your game
as quickly as possible so that's my ultimate goal improve as quickly as
possible comment in the box below any questions are appreciated again
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