You want to hit the ball
further? Of course you do. But the thing is it cannot be forced.
It cannot take a lot of effort. And the three steps I'm gonna give you
today are almost frustratingly simple, but they work every single time. Step one is the setup. It may
not be sexy, but it is crucial. And this is what you want to do when
we wanna launch the driver a little bit further. It's exactly that we want
to be hitting it on the upswing. Okay. We do not wanna be striking down. That's gonna put too much
excessive spin on the ball. Most of you will be way too
straight up and down static as it were when you're addressing the driver. And you just have to look at the
angles of my shoulders, the hips, and even the sort of elbows here, but the angles are all sort of
pointing down a little bit this way, which is fine for an iron, but a driver. We do not want that descending blow.
We want to be hitting up on it, make sure your ball is in
line bit more in your left heel or your lead foot rather.
Now, as we put our feet together, what we're going to do is
put our trail foot back. We're planting the foot back this way, and just that alone is going to
already adjust the angles of our body. So you can see I'm already encouraging
my swing to be a little bit more on the upswing, put your hands
on your thighs of the body here. And what you're gonna do is slide your
trail hand down towards the knee, right? I'm not really doing anything else apart
from letting that slide down and going with it. And that is giving me a
bit of more tilt here again so I can launch it back and hit it on the upswing. But it's also
gonna really help us with step two, which is about getting some width on
the back swing. Don't get me wrong. There are many ways that could
help you hit the ball further, but these three steps you've seen the
first one and the next two are bit more fun are gonna make such
a difference to you.
And they come from the artist,
simple golf online club, and you can check that out below. Hello? Step two is all about
the back swing. Okay. But I am not asking you
to make a big turn. Okay? That's what most people are
trying to get golfers to do, but physically it's a
difficult thing to manage. It's a big movement to try and time
and sequence. You don't believe me. Go and check out my video. That
is don't turn the shoulders.
The only goal I want you to feel okay, is this trail shoulder is
gonna go up that way about four or five inches.
That's your only goal. And what that is gonna do
is give you a bit of width, give you plenty of wind up feel. Cause that's what we want to do
is sort of wind up the swing. That's what's gonna give us
the penetration in the flight. That's what's gonna give us
the time to hit good shots. So there's our target. We want to try and feel that this trail
shoulder gets pulled back that way.
And we are face our back is a
little bit more to the target. I haven't tried to turn my shoulders. I'm just moving this trail shoulder
back that way. And I'm, you know, consciously trying to keep the
trail arm a little bit straighter. So my left arm has to reach. It's
almost like a little stretching feel, but that's gonna load everything up. It's gonna give you all the time in
the world to get those massive drives. One more step to go. Let me know
if this is resonating with you, are you seeing some of the faults
and that key feel? Have you tried it? Let me know below What should you do next too
many golfers focus so hard when trying to hit it further,
they try and hit it harder, try and hit at the
ball. But by doing that, it actually kills distances, right? Cause we want it to have an effortless
feeling and it has to be about swinging through. Okay. And we can do it to notice
where your speed is. Technically. I don't need to think about where the
fastest part of the swing is or should be.
I want you to feel that the
acceleration is happening just after impact down here. That is
your goal and objective. So as we swing down and
through, this is the fast point. That is where I want you to
try and accelerate the most. And you can test this out
by flipping the club over, making some swings here and note notice, where are you releasing that speed? We want those arms to
lengthen and straighten out, but by flipping the club
over, you can hear the sound.
So have a little practice with that. But just with the intent
of swinging through and accelerating here is gonna
make all the difference. And this is what it looks
like from my point of view. And the acceleration is here as
we swing through that way. Okay? We don't wanna be accelerating
here and dumping into the ground. That is not the fast area it's through. Everything is about through. Now we piece the three
steps together. Step one, set up, make sure it's opposite.
The left heel. We've got our tilt. We are ready to launch part
two, step two trail shoulder, moving up that way, keeping
a little bit firmer here. Then we focus on the speed release. There. That's the fast part of the
swing. Now we put it into action. Choose your target.
Always choose your target. My friends be as specific
as you can. It crucial. You gotta tell your brain what
you are trying to do. So step one, set up, ready to launch step two and swing little bit off balance, but that went straight.
went far and I'm happy with it. Let me know if you got any questions. Now, if you really wanna simplify the swing, watch this video here for three
steps for perhaps the easiest way to swing a golf
club. See you next time..