Hey everyone, Shawn, Sav & Mu. Did you know that the lead arm staying straight in the backswing has nothing to do with the arm itself You're not effective? It has everything to do with how much rotation you have in the backswing. That's what creates width in turn. You really don't want to miss this show because once you got that lead arm in a beautiful state, you get more consistent And of course, before we start, we would just love for you to be a part of wisdom and golf. So please subscribe to the channel. Please leave a comment or question down below and gives a thumbs up and smash that bell. So you never miss any video smash. It, it is a gorgeous bright September morning. And, we couldn't be happier out here at the Royal Quebec golf club. Look at this place. Just absolutely gorgeous. So what we're going to be talking about is a subject that's very near and dear to many of you, because we get this question a lot. How do we keep that left arm straight or the lead arm I'll be left arm and their right arm. So in the backswing, we don't want a collapse of the arm and we don't want to feel like we're holding the arm so rigid that we can't sling or whip the golf club with ease.
The key here is the lack of strain. We don't want added strain in the system. So you guys can try this right now in your living room, just drop the club to the ground, just stand nice and straight, hold your arm out to your side and let it fall. Notice the arm wants to swing from the shoulder socket, but if your body's in the way, there's an obstacle. So it can't continue. So we bend forward, let the arms hang in front, let the arm fall in front of us. Notice how the arm still can't go. That way. The upper arm is going to crash into the rib cage and the elbow is going to collapse and you'll slap yourself in the face. If you add any kind of velocity to that. So what's the deal. Well, what we want is to let the arm pass you and continue towards your target. Here we go. So as I allow the arm to pass me, notice the body had to turn out of the way the brain actually has to go to the ground, use the ground to move the body out of the way.
So we have access to the target. Now my can continue swinging freely from my shoulder socket and look what I got extension width with zero strain. That's the key. So what's the golf swing. Imagine I had a ball in each hand, I'll put that in right now. And I want to toss one ball in that direction and this ball in that direction. So one for you, one for you, simple as that left arm swings into the backswing.
So notice my brain's got to go get the ground, use the ground to get my body out of the way, and look at that gorgeous turn. And that turn allows for this width. So now the right arm is in a great position to toss in the opposite direction. So the brain goes to the ground, removes the body out of the way. So now you've got access with the right arm. So if any of you do, any kind of kickboxing for fitness and stuff like that, if I'm going to snap a bunch in your direction, notice my right arm is extending straight at you.
What do you think my body's doing The body is removing itself out of the way or else I'd get a Peck full of bicep right here. And I'd really wreck my shoulder. If I add any kind of velocity to that. So in the golf swing, very simple, the backswing, you need the active participation of the legs. It's not your job to think about how you're going to get into the backswing. It's your job to gather a backswing. That's large enough in its range of motion, to be able to whip the club with ease toward the target.
So if I go nice and slow in the backswing and very relaxed, here's, what's going to happen very slow and relaxed. I can't go. If my legs don't go, my bicep is already crunching into my pack. If I don't want any strain there. Oh, look at that. I allow the body to turn. I allow the body to turn. I allow the body to turn. We'll look at that. Now I've got this beautiful width in my backswing without the strain. My arm is nice and relaxed. I don't have to force myself to make it rigid, and I'm not going to get a collapse and notice that right arm collapsing into my side here, that chicken wing videos up for, you know, up for us next week.
Okay, So I don't want this. We're looking for nice width with no effort that requires a turn. So if I do it in your direction there, notice how the arm motion has nothing to do with the direction of the turn. We're not turning like this and allowing the arms to collapse up against the body. We're gathering a nice width so that we can release the energy out in the direction of the target. So as we go along, so let's say I want it to hit a shot in that direction. I'll get my intermediate point.
And all I want to do now is send momentum that way. So let's say I only had one arm. I'm going to take my arm and I'm going to make a nice circle with it. And you notice the center of that circle is my shoulder socket. If I do that towards you, notice that circle is moving beautifully in your direction. So if I want my swing to move in your direction, well, that's not it. That's not it that's it that's it. Now it feels like my swing can move in your direction. So a great drill for you is don't let the left arm hit you going back, stop hitting yourself. Don't let the left arm hit you going back. Don't let the right arm hit you coming through and just observe the nice blur in front of you and see that the swing is moving in the direction that you want the ball to go. That's it. So we gather the backswing, nice and relaxed.
Everything's relaxed. And then we whip the club into the direction of the target with ease. So it was extremely easy for me to send the action into my target and notice how nice and powerful that was. So now I'm going to show you Sav's backswing, and I'm going to show you that in our career as coach and student, we never once had to talk about how that lead arm had to stay straight. And I want you to hear it from the horse's mouth. Now, Sav hasn't even warmed up yet. It hasn't even hit a shot and she's gone. I'm feeling a little stiff this morning. So let's just do that backswing super slow without any tension in the backswing.
So super slow, super relaxed. Look at that. You guys. So her whole backside is facing the target. That includes the pelvis. Notice how that lead knee is rotating in behind the ball. What Bryson's doing right now, that 400-yard drive, he just hit. So he's actually allowing that lead heel to come off the ground with sounds got the flexibility. And we've realized that that lead foot is better for her to stay on the ground. Cause she engages her kinetic chain a lot better in the downswing because of it. And she doesn't need for that to come off the ground because of her unbelievable, nice flexibility. Right, But you'll notice that even with her flexibility, she still opening up that big turn in the backswing.
So now face the face in that direction and feel like you're going to swing toward that ball there. So notice how her whole rib cage is facing towards you. Look where her hands are. Everything's up here in front of her and free. I call her the javelin thrower. You know, she always had that natural width of a javelin throw and we never had to say boo about that. No, because your turn was always a big turn. And even in high school at the height of that time, the X factor theory was really popular. And the other girls on her team, she was hitting the 40 yards passing them. And she was a big-time rookie on the team. So if you want good width in the backswing and you want the ability to deliver shots that are very long, this is what you want to do.
So let's see you hit a couple shots up. What aren't you have there feel like you're gonna hit some hundred and 20 yards, nine irons. Oh, that's gorgeous. So the perfect divot, you rewind that one. You'll see that divot was absolutely perfect. So one more backswing and stop south. Now notice as she's turning and getting out of the way of the arms width, there's no way there. If you sway into the backswing, then the simple act of swinging means there's no turn. If there's no turn, there's going to be a collapse. If there's a collapse, then you're going to have a lot of inconsistencies. Let's see another one. Good, nice miss. Look at that. So notice I put the ball on the exact same piece of grass and see how she's expanding on that divot as we go along.
So this is a great tip here for practice for you guys. Once you've established a divot, put the ball at the back of the divot, and then as you take a backswing, if you go to the top of the backswing and stop, go ahead and set up. If you've turned properly, like Sav, it'll feel like you got the ball then grass. If you sway now, doesn't it feel like you're going to hit the ground first and you have no access to your target or access to striking the ball properly? Okay. So one more and we'll go talk to move. Nice. Just awesome Sav of putting on a clinic. Those were the first four shots of the day. You have three solid shots in one thin to win the shot. All right. So now Mu! coming up. He's in his third year, he's now 14 handicaps on his way to a solid four handicap.
Next year, the shots I have seen this man hit on the golf course this year are jaw-dropping. Okay. Like towering four irons at 260 yards, you know, off the tee, I'm hitting my full-blown three-word and I'm going, yeah, nailed that one. And he's just firing a 4-iron same distance and it's, it's just been a blast to watch him develop. And I wanna, I wanna make sure you guys get to see how good that backswing is. Come on in Mu could not be prouder of this man's development. Right. You're putting in the work you're putting in the passion. As the two of you are just so pleasant to watch. He's come out in the golf course and off they go. And you know that everybody's talking about how long these two guys are. So, and, and how fast they're developing. And so let's look at that, that same backswing here Mu. Okay. So let's see you do a backswing and stop. Look at this. You guys, right This is a football player, played D-line. You know, he's supposed to be stiff as aboard. Look at that gorgeous turn, right The full-back to the target pelvis facing the target lead knee in right here.
Everything's on the inside of that trail foot. Look at that extension. So he's you don't call this a coiled spring because what actually happens is the coil happens in the downswing when your kinetic chain engages that's right. That makes sense. So in order for you to prep that kinetic chain properly, in the downswing, you gotta stay really close to it. The only way to stay close to it. It's the turn. So let's see, you hit a couple of shots moot. Okay. You're starting now to what, what club you have I got 7-iron here. Perfect.
Oh, man. Crushed right out of the gate. Nice. It's just fallen now. So gorgeous, gorgeous shot again. You know, stayed with it. Yeah. That's it. Nice contact. Beautiful draw. Let's see another too cool for school, dude. So let's have a little fun here. Okay. I'm going to give you a little more of a specific target. All right. I want you to aim down the right side if we have a treeline on both sides. Here are very tight in these practice holes. Okay. So we're gonna S we're gonna aim, at that Birch tree, that's poking out of the woods on the right.
Okay. Yeah. And then release it over the red flag and draw it back to that Birch. Okay. Wow. Right over the red flag. Okay. So stay straight. Well, you hit a straight draw. Well, we have a little wind coming this way. Oh yeah. I can't really feel it. Well, we don't feel, you see the tops of the trees there. So the wind kept it and he just split that red flag perfectly. Yeah. That was good, see ya. I'm a good cat. He set you up. Yeah, he did. That was just a clear picture. Once he explained, I was like, yeah, I can do that. And then right. I was locked in on the target and then that happened nicely. So when you lock it in on a picture over here, you won't sway away from that picture.
So get going with turning and, and creating that width. So you can feel a nice release in the direction that you want to start the ball now for, for you to get a little bit more on that, go see our video. We did a video together with a while back about throwing the club. You're going to laugh your butt off. When you see Mu and the fact that he had when he thought he was throwing there, and it was way more to the right.
So that'll happen to you as well. So be safe when you do that, that club throwing it's well worth trying, but just go out and see throwing the club. Shawn Clement watch all of the videos. I've got about five or six of them on that because it's such an important topic. And it's something that's going to take you all the way to the target. And it's something that's also going to help you with our topic for next week, which is a chicken wing.
You really don't want to miss that episode. We'll see you soon.