Arguably, the most crucial
part of the job search. An interview can make
or break an opportunity. So to help you really prepare, we're going to dissect and
analyze an entire interview from start to finish. I'll be sprinkling in a mix
of tips about body language, etiquette, and how to
answer common questions, like when exactly does
the interview start? How do you deal with nerves? And how soon can you follow up? For years, athletes have used
science and data analysis to improve. Now we are doing the same
for job seekers everywhere. This is Job Science. Meet Anya, a
recent grad majoring in business administration. She's interviewing for an
entry level project management position. Note her posture. Head up, shoulders pulled back,
no slouching, and no laid-backness. The interview begins the minute
you walk into the building.
Anya treats everyone in
the office with respect while keeping eye contact. From security personnel
to receptionists. Anyone you run
into on your way in could be asked to
give feedback on you. It's normal to be nervous. When nerves kick in, the
natural human response is to take short breaths
and breathe faster. Stay calm by taking a deep
breath before entering. Hold it. Count to three and then
slowly breathe out. Pause. First, ace those introductions. Greet everyone in a way
that is authentic to you, like, hey, nice to meet you. And then say their name. That one always works. You know you're more
likely to remember their name if you say it out
loud when you first meet. A lot of the time, small talk
comes up before any questions. It's good to have a few current
events or topics in mind. You can't possibly predict
what they're going to ask. But you can practice answering
the common ones like, why do you want to work here? What makes you unique? Let's see what our
interviewer asks.
So I want to hear more. Tell me a little
about your experience and what you'd
bring to this role? Pause. When this is asked,
they're looking to learn what makes
you stand out. Be honest with your answers. If that means having to pause
and think for a second, that is alright. Think about your
past experiences and how the role lines up
with your future goals. It never hurts to be honest. Great question.
Ever since I was
young, I've always been the organized
one of my family, whether it was helping my
parents schedule vacations or color-coordinating my closet. Naturally, that lifestyle got
me here, project management. I've been a people-person for
as long as I can remember. Plain and simple. I love team-building
and making sure everyone has a part. Just
the other month– Ooh, just really quick. Don't speak negatively about
previous places you've worked. Instead, talk about
what you've learned. I helped lead a team of five
to deliver a three-week sales project a few days
ahead of schedule.
I'd love to bring
these things here. Perfect. A response like this not
only answers the question but also shows off
her personality. But remember, there's no
one right way to interview and answer questions. Be yourself, and let
your personality shine. Be aware of your movements.
Practice polite, confident body language. Subtly miming your
interviewers posture can actually create a
sense of connection. Of all places,
unnecessary movements are hard to ignore in an interview.
Whether it's tapping your
fingers or bouncing your leg, be aware and stay present. Hey, it's been great
chatting so far. I guess my last question is, do
you have any questions for me? Oh, this is a hot one. Make sure to have a short list
of questions for your employer in your back pocket. Ask the questions you
would if you got the job. If tomorrow was your
first day what would you want to know
from the manager. Even if you don't have any
burning questions, asking a few shows that you did your homework
and that you really care.
Some include, what do you
like best about working here? What are some mistakes people
have made in this position? What is a goal you're
currently working toward? How will my performance
be evaluated? Well, I did read that you're
expanding your software team next quarter. I'm curious how you
plan to carry that out. The interview isn't
actually over. Always follow up within 24
hours with the thank you email to the hiring manager. This can be a quick note simply
thanking them for their time. Or a longer one that elaborates
on some of the things you talked about. It's key to leaving
a lasting impression. This was the breakdown
of an interview. Till next time. [MUSIC PLAYING].