Hello. I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor. And today I thought I would show you one of
my favourite drills. This will increase your stability and enable
you to hit your driver straighter and further. Stay tuned. [MUSIC] So today I thought I would show you how to
be a little bit more stable, particularly through impact when you are hitting your driver. And I find that instability is one of the
main reasons people are poor drivers of the golf ball. So this drill is called the one legged drill. Simply we have put our left foot level with
the ball.
We lift our right foot off the ground. And then we try and hit a shot maintaining
our balance. So a lot of people when they start swinging
the driver, they swing down to the left. If you're standing on one leg and you swing
down to the left, you're going to fall over. Now sometimes you can pre-empt that by knowing
you are going to swing to the left and fall back and adjust. neither of those are very good. So ideally we want to keep our upper body
stable and we just let our hands control it. Now a little bit of movement from side to
side is ok we just don't want lateral movement.
So we don't want this kind of movement. This kind of movement really produces poor
golf shots. You can do it with any club. I'm choosing
to do it with a driver today. There is a variation if you have balance issues.
It's quite ok to do that. Just put your right foot down as I have got
it there. That will enable you to get the same benefit
from the drill. But only try it if you have got some balance
issues. If you haven't I recommend trying it this
way. Don't try and over hit it initially. Build your confidence up. Start small and gradually work your way up. Anyway lets see how i go. I put my left foot level with the ball, I
take my grip. I swing and then I hit the shot. I struggled a little bit there. But that ball
has gone 180 with a little soft draw. And that's what you will find.
when you are
not moving from side to side as much. You will actually use your hands more efficiently
and you will probably learn to hit it with a draw. So that is the 1 legged drill. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for letting me help you with your
golf. I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor. If you like my videos why don't you click
on the Subscribe button down there. You can also get further information from
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