Oh, my goodness. Look at that. Crushed. What Iron you got there? Nine. That's not even fair. We got Shawn Sav and Mu at your service. We're in our wonderful indoor facility ready for a winter of training. And one of the things that you're going to see on the bill for training over the course of our off-season training series that we have on our premium channel is balance. So many of you are falling all over the place and you're not able to contain yourself. And you have to take steps in here and there. And there are some, very easy tips and very solid tips to give you in order to secure your balance for you to stay on your feet. Because when the center of your swing moves around the ball, contact and ball direction suffers immediately. So you really want to stay tuned for this episode.
This is really going to help you with your dispersion, your contact with the ball, the solidness of your contact, which of course is going to result in longer straighter shots Of course, if you haven't subscribed to our channel, yet, you really want to do that because you don't want to miss any of these episodes that we'll have for you over the course of the winter to get your game in shape. Make sure you give us a thumbs up, leave a comment down below. Please hit the bell, hit the bell. Now you've seen Justin Thomas be all over his toes. Remember, you know, a couple of weeks ago and the event. And they had the camera only locked in on his feet and he's twinkle toes, right Like you could see he was on the outside of that foot and, and completely on both toes through impact. But you'll notice. I mean, oftentimes like he did come out of a few shots, but more, more often than not for a player of that caliber. They're always finishing in balance. Okay.
So facing the camera side, let me see you do a practice swing and go hold your finish. Good. So when you get into your finish, you want the, this foot to be nice and flat, secure your knee over it slightly. So imagine the arch of your foot is like a suction cup and you're applying some nice suction to the ground. Go ahead and take your posture at address. So right now, Savannah is in a really nice position where the weight is secure through the arches of the feet. All your spikes are secure to the ground. Yep.
Now go to the top of your backswing stop. So notice at the top of the backswing, the weight is still here on the inside of her left foot, secure to the ground, and she's ready to move toward the target. Now, swing to your finish and hold the finish. That's better. So notice everything, stacks up, head, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankle. So in our, in one of our series that we have on our premium channels called target confirmation series, and in your case Sav, what I'd like to see you do when you hit the shot. All right Sav, so you're hitting a draw. Yeah. So we're going to the left edge of that intermediate point. And what you're going to do is you're going to swing through your arc into your finish and hold that finish. Nice. So while you're doing that, and that's almost in the hole, by the way, I look at that.
Right Beautiful. So there's your easy seven iron over 172 carry with a beautiful draw. Yep. One 72 carry, nice angle of attack. Nice center strike. So first And foremost, you're Aware that you got to your finish and held your finish, and then you realize that you hit the ball solid and the ball went where you wanted to. Yeah. So if you start in balance and you're looking for a nice balanced finish, then you're, you're giving your brain a destination to go to. Whereas what happens to most of you who fall forward, go ahead and set up to the ball. Number one, you'll notice that the distance between you and the golf ball is very different, depending on what you're trying to do. So what I want you to do is back away from the ball and get ready to just hit the ball. There's no target and back up some more stretch out your arms. Now doesn't that feel like you have to extend fully just to get to the ball. Yeah.
If you do that, won't the G-forces throw you completely off balance. Yeah, go ahead. Let's see. You hit it to the left of the intermediate point from there. Oh gosh. Right. So I mean, that was a massive, you know, order for you, right It was a real tall order for you to do. And because you're trained to stay in, in balance, you went, go get the ball and then come back into balance. Right So there was no way that you could swing through that ball and toward the target from there. Our favorite artists for that is Joaquin Neiman. And if you look at Joaquin, when he's coming through, go ahead and set up normal, take a backswing and stop and come on down in slow motion and show me in slow motion where you're going. Now notice how her trail arm is still bent. She's going to be collecting the ball from here. Now, release it over there.
And so the peak speed of your swing is out toward the target that way. So when you're delivering, let's say you remember throwing the club. So show me a nice throw of the club. Just the left side of that intermediate point. Yeah, go ahead. Fantastic. So where was peak speed on that Okay. So when you're getting ready to throw the club that way, what happens is your kinetic chain is going to engage. So you're going to shift weight and a lot of you going well. Yeah, but don't, I have to focus on shifting weight, not at all. So here's an easy exercise for you to do that. Put your club down, put them on you, you know, you like this. So let me see you snap a punch with your, your right hand, right over here. What's the first thing that went.
You guys saw that, right So the first thing that goes is the weight goes to the front foot. So if I said, put the weight on your back foot, keep it there. Don't move your body and try to snap a punch. Right. Crazy. Right. You feel like T-Rex. So now go do a normal punch. Look at the difference.
You still have some Slack to get through the target. And that's a built-in kinetic chain. That's been with us for millions of years because we had to throw a lot of stuff at our food for a very long time. So whether you're throwing a punch or throwing a ball or throwing a club, it's always the same kinetic chain that engages. Now let's say you were going to throw the club at the ball. What would that look like And a shot, Do it in slow motion. Show me how you'd be throwing the club at the ball. So notice how your body is going to straighten out. Cause you got to extend at the ball. Yeah. So when you're extending at the ball, so here's the posture. If you extend that the ball you be here, so you got to stand all the way up here just to get to the ball. Yeah. So the distance between you and the ball changes dramatically, depending on where you're throwing. So if you're throwing at the ball, you're going to back away from the ball, get too far.
And then you're going to direct the energy over here. And you're not going to engage the kinetic chain properly, which is going to really throw you off balance. But if you're swinging through the ball into your finish, go ahead. Wow. Look at that. Finish just a spectacular golf shot. Ooh, Whoa. That was like 177 carry on that seven iron. Yep. She's still hitting it. 180 yard. Seven iron. Really cool. So finally, so we notice how swing you're finished all the finish. We're throwing into the finish, holding the finish. Now for those of you who don't know how to put the ball in the way, go see predict solid contact and direction, Shawn Clement. And on our golf WRX, we did a video for them called, how to put the ball in the way of your swing. Shawn, Clement golf WRX. So you're swinging to the target and the ball is in the way of that. That's what's putting you in balance.
That's why you won't see too many of the guys on tour losing their balance because every last one of them is going toward the target. Right So only the ones that are really swinging out of their shoes or when they lose their focus like JT. Remember that second shot he hit, on the par five 16th and just that's where he lost the tournament. And he says, I was afraid of going left and he blocks it way out to the right, into the, into the hazard.
That's in the trees there. I know I, I played that golf course. I was there. It's not a fun place to be. Okay. So when you're trying to go for that very narrow green and to, well, you know, with the trouble all around there, it's very easy to get distracted. But the previous day he pulled off a shot. So nicely, it was the par five, right. He was on the cart path on the right side. And he had though he was on 13 on that one. Yeah, that one. But like he had such a narrow window that like, it forced him to absolutely stay with his shot. And he like right off the cart path, flushed it. And then he was afterwards. He was like, look, I didn't even make a scratch on it.
Exactly. Yeah. So he was reacting to a situation. Whereas the other one, he was being careful. Right. So when you're reacting, you're always going to do very well. So if you're reacting to the target, you'll have great balance. If you're not sure where you're going and whoop and you it's very easy to come out of the shock because now the brain is saying, don't go there. Now you're forced to go there. And that changes the whole ball of wax. So the last little drill that's really good. We call this the walking drill. So we're going to put three golf balls down for yourself. Okay. About a club with the part.
Here we go. And you're going to start your machine right over here and what Sav's going to do. And actually back up a little bit more, okay. We're going to cut grass while walking. So the video you want to for that is called a grass whip training, Shawn Clement. And if you don't have a grass whip and you, and you have an issues with contact direction or balance, you definitely want to get one of those grass whips. So show me walking in cutting grass and just observe the blur as you're going. Beautiful. Excellent. Keep going. Wow. Wow. So three wonderful shots, right Yeah.
Nice contact with the ball. The ball was going in a very nice direction. Now what's really cool about that when you're swinging back and through, you actually see the blur of the club, right. That gives your brain a reference. Yeah. Notice how the brain is able to step exactly the proper amount for the ball to meet the center of that club face. No thinking. No. And you're in complete reaction mode there, right Yeah. Notice she didn't lose her balance because if you lost your balance, you'd have fallen all over yourself and you would have interrupted the motion. Yeah. So when you're walking, because we're built that way, we're bilateral machines, your center of gravity is falling forward and you're catching yourself. And how does your brain know to fall forward Just the right amount to do that.
Isn't that amazing Your just as amazing as that and it doesn't take a lot of you don't practice this a lot. So when you're swinging back and through and you see where that is, the act of swinging back and through is what puts you into balance. So final drill for you is we call it the two swing drill. So you're going to hit the shot, take your setup with this ball. Oh. And then go into another swing. Exactly. So you hit the shot and then you go into a second swing right away. Right. So which swing felt better The second one. So that's, what's going to happen to you when you first do this drill and you haven't done this in a long time.
I, I think I gave you that one. I once in Richmond Hill. Yeah. So two swings in that direction. Very nice. So then you start realizing, Hey, I got two swings to go. So after you hit the first shot, your brain is putting you in a, in the, in the balance required to go make the second swing. Yeah. So that is a fabulous drill right there. That was still a very respect to be cut that right in the center of the club face. So let's see you do one more and we'll get Mu in here. Mu is a real newbie to this stuff. Beautiful. Nice. That one was really good. Excellent. So that was like 175 carry on that 7 iron there. Yeah. Very good job. Come on in Mu. back in the bag. So First and foremost, we're talking about finished position. Show me a practice, swing, swing into that, finish and hold your finish. Sorry. I walked in front of the camera.
Nice. So notice how you tend to roll a little bit to the outside of your foot and we're still, we're still refining and this is going to be part of your training this winter. We're going to start refining how you, how you contain the swing inside your feet. Okay. So Much better. Do you feel how that right foot was much more solid to the ground you felt Yeah.
So you felt the need to open the foot. So especially when, if you look at our videos we did in the last couple of weeks on uphill and downhill shots, the downhill shot. I mean, if you roll to the outside of your right foot, you'll snap the ankle. Right. So let's see a nice draw throwing the club to the left of the intermediate point and finishing in balance through that flat right foot. Not bad. It's good. Start. So go ahead and release into that finish and hold your finish. Yes, My goodness. Look at that. Crushed. What iron you got there? Nine. That's not even fair. So that was okay. Hold on a second. 195 carry nine iron you suck . So you're exactly two clubs longer than I am because that's what I hit my 7 iron now with these Epic forged, that's a nine, it's got a slash under the nine.
It's not a six. So now here's the, you know, if we do the walking drill with you now, you'll notice you can't go to the outside of your right foot when you're walking, you know, when to walk like that. Right. All right. So let's see that nice little walking drill. Okay. You can yeah. Get your, No last one was good. The last one was awesome Because I could, like you said, every, every swing That's, you know, and that's the cool part with, with what, you know, when we, we do our training and just being in the gym and understanding what it means to do a set of reps. And as you're doing the reps, you, you get really aware of what's happening and you're able to make those adjustments on the fly. It really is a cool thing. So your body's like augmenting, like are where we need to put the energy towards and what's stability. Yeah. And that, that self-preserving system really kicks into high gear. Right. And it really becomes precise. So let's see another run like that. Okay.
It's like a, as he's going as like roam more and more intense as he goes along, you could actually see your, your confidence. Yeah, Yeah, yeah. Yeah. My body was just like, all right, the last one need to fix this. I like the adjustment. It just happen naturally because the sticks just tell you exactly what you need to do. You see how really potent this drill is. Right. But you really, you get the experience of it. So the brain sees what's going on. It knows when to step and it's like, I got this. Right. You could see it. You could see your, your body language. And after the second shot, Ooh. Or you can read it. I saw that. I saw that. That was good, man. So, and then the final one, let's see you do the two, the two swing drill.
So for this one, just you set up normally and you're going to hit the shot with the first swing, but keep in mind, you have a second swing to do, and you're going to go hold your finish after the second swing. Okay. Okay. So you want to do two right there One, two. Okay. So you didn't go to the outside of your right foot on the first swing. It was nicely contained your foot stayed flat on the ground.
It rolled maybe a bit, but it didn't do it didn't collapse. Right So for those of you have a tendency to collapse, or you're a little too happy in the feet, that drill is simply spectacular. Right So going to show you guys now, right-handed how we do that move. You're awesome, man. Well done. And added Bonus that you'll find happens when you're doing that.
Walking drill is your posture through impact is maintained so much better. in the downhill shots that we did last week, if you go to our premium channel, you'll see the, uphill downhill shots. And from down the line, as I was doing the downhill shots, walking and cutting grass down the slope, I could not believe how my spine angle was maintained. So I have a tendency when I get a little bit too rambunctious, I start to lose that posture.
And I do a little Tom layman or a little bit of Phil Mickelson. And, you know, there's a term for it and this is a PG type of, you know, channel. But, they actually call it goat, humping This look. Oh my God. So, so, yeah, you know, it's listening, it's the look, you know, it's just, it's, it's a look that not too many people are going to appreciate, but Hey, you know, Phil Mickelson's won over 40, 40, tournaments on the PGA tour with a lot of majors. He's in the hall of fame and that's been his look, his whole career, same with Tom layman. So, but I've noticed that the balance as we're walking. So if you look at that, that walking drill, you'll see something totally different. And you did that nicely. I did that quite nicely. Didn't I, Hey, where are we go So easy, 701 85. So, and it's almost put that in the hole on the last one there.
Now the, the fun part of that is, as I'm walking, if I lose my posture, I can't take the next step. So there is all kinds of bonuses that are coming out of this walking drill. So you don't want to miss the, the video entitled grass whip training, because we show you how to do that in that video. And then, so if I do the two, the two swing drill, so I'm delivering to the right edge of that intermediate point, keeping in mind that I got a second swing to produce. And I felt there it is, that's 200 yard seminar. So I felt that structure in my posture that was required for me to make that second swing. So a big bonus for me is that, maintenance of posture through impact. And if I fall out of that posture, see how it's easy to hit it off the toe when you do that, because it just pulls you away from it.
So when I get a little too aggressive, I go to the ground and then what happens My core can't take it. And that I lose my posture this way. I'm staying pretty grounded with my feet, but I'm losing through here. So two swings in that direction. Oh, and there's that fish. And that was Gonzo. Right Beautiful draw 200 yard carry, man. These things feel amazing. And so the two T the two swing drill and the walking drill. And then finally, of course, with you can, you can integrate your finished position. So you notice at the end of every shot, we're holding that finish when the brain knows where it starts and where it's going to end.
Well, if I'm going into that finished position, I'm not going to go out this way and put myself off balance onto my toes. I'm not going to yank it to the inside here and have the weight go completely off the front foot. I've seen many of you guys do that. So the backswing is going to give you, exactly what you're looking for. And that's where, when you have that blur, see how my club is moving in the, in the correct path and the correct plane, because my swing is balancing me.
And that was a fantastic conversation I had with Mo Norman, about how the, the swing it, when you're swinging toward the target and your swing is congruent with the direction that you want to go will naturally balance you, you know, during that action. Okay. So I hope you guys enjoyed that video on balance and Savin moon really appreciate your help on that. We'll see you guys next week, all the best.