Hey everyone, Shawn and Savannah. She's back  and she's looking really great. This video is   so important for you because it's all about you  not staying level. Please stop trying to stay   level. If you look at how we work as humans  on this planet, we're built for PI in action   moving up and down in every discipline we  do. You really don't wanna miss this show. Sav, if you were gonna walk, let's say you're  gonna walk towards me, what's the first thing   that needs to happen Do you need to fall Yeah.  So if you didn't fall forward and you tried to   bring your leg forward, it wouldn't work, would  it Yeah. So you literally have to fall forward   and come down. Mm-hmm. , and then you're using the  weight of your arms to come back up. So somebody   walking efficiently. When you're coming out of the  theater and you're seeing people in front of you,   you're gonna see a lot of bob and heads. Heads  are going up and down. You would never see this I'd be a little concerned. That would be concerning.

Yes, it would. It's  great for a workout if you want your legs to   burn , but you know, you couldn't walk more in two  minutes. Mm-hmm. , if you wanna walk for hours,   you gotta allow that body to come up and down.  It's the same for skating, it's the same for   swinging. All that good stuff. Mm-hmm. . And  you have become really nicely efficient in   your swing when it comes to that. Mm-hmm.  . What matters everybody is that you have   a proper task. So Sav today is gonna use  the task of sending divot peels and we use,   two T drill system, right So you take two tees  and you put 'em about four inches apart right   in front of the ball and you know, so that  the ball is at the back of the first tee   and you want to feel like you're sweeping  the tees in the direction of the target.   So in this case here, Sav, if you get set up,  we're gonna go, let's say over this red post   T number one, T number two about four inches.  Mm-hmm. . And those are aiming basically,   no, Yeah, I had it.

No, I want them this  way. You want 'em that way Yeah. So that's   going between the red post and the black post.  Yeah. Okay. So do a practice swing right next   to them and pretend you're, you're gonna stay  low enough to get through both. Do that again. And if you stay at the surface of the grass, are  you gonna hit it solid No. You want to be at the   surface of the ground, right Yeah. Where the  tees are more sitting down below the level of   the ball. Yeah. So let's see. come to the ball,  send both tees out there with some momentum.   All right. So imagine you have those tees.  Now send a nice divot peel in that direction.   Oh baby, how good is that Now watch this in stop  action. And you'll notice in the back swing,   the first thing that sa does is she comes  up, you'll see her head in like against   the backdrop here. And then as she's  getting up to the top of the back swing,   the brain's gotta go get the ground. You'll see  her lower beautifully. She's using the ground   to collect the grass from here and send the  grass out into the direction that she wants to   send the ball.

This is critical. If you try  to keep the same, level on the back swing,   then you're causing your legs to resist  the back swing. So what ends up happening   if you do a, a practice swing in front of the  camera here, like you're going that way, Seth. Okay. So if you try to keep your knees  bent the same level into the backswing,   do you feel the same amount of power No. Of  potential power in that swing No. So go ahead   and go to the top and stop.

So notice  how she comes up because she's up now,   she actually can use downward momentum to go  load the ground. She's loading the ground with   her legs and this is what lowers her back to the  ground to go collect the grass. Now here's where   you really don't wanna worry. This machine mm-hmm.  that you have is Pinocchio without strings. It is   an absolute gravity genius. Mm-hmm. . So would you  ever sa go down here No. To collect grass doesn't   make any sense. No. So your brain is always  seeking the path of least resistance. Yeah. So   if you allow it to do the task the way it was  meant to, it's going to use the legs to heave   up in the back swing to give it some momentum,  that downward momentum to get the ground so that   we can use the legs to remove the body out of  the way so that we can send the grass that way.

And in so doing, you come right back up.  Yeah. Right. So let's see that again.   Effortlessly send grass  clippings in that direction. Awesome. Beautiful divot, excellent contact with  the ball. Send those clippings out there. Yeah.   Wow. And you even got a little bit of a recoil  on it. Yeah. See that's the other thing too. I I   don't want you to worry about that. Mm-hmm. , Jack  Nicholas in his prime. Mm-hmm. , you would see him   go and have this beautiful squat and clear when  that leg is using the ground to get him out of the   way, it would actually push him up and away. Yeah.  Pushing up and away is what gives you that release   and anchors that release and then yeah, he would  fall back.

Okay. Right Yeah. So if you look at   walking and cutting grass, something you've become  really good at. Mm-hmm. . So show me you walking   and cutting grass and sending grass clippings to  target next row. Send the grass. Send the grass. Fantastic. So as you're walking notice, look  at this last two DITs. Yeah. Perfect thickness,   right Perfect depth and nice length. Yeah. So you  are sending the grass clippings to the target,   but if you look at that and stop action, you'll  notice that in order for her to take a step,   she's gotta come off. Now that we've taken the  weight off of it, we can take that step. Then she   comes back down, collects the divot, sends it out,  and this leg is extending. So both legs extend up.   Yep. Unaids the back foot. And now you can take  a step to go back into your backs swinging with,   So the walking drill, I encourage you, you'll  see a video called, best way to Shift Weight,   Take a Walk, Sean Clement, and we, we show  you this walking drill, which is really gonna   help you deliver proper timing and proper weight  shift in the swing, but also proper levels.

Yeah.   You're gonna start there and you can already  tell she'll she, the, the width of the club   head is her rose that she's cutting and she's  taking those rows. So you notice how we have   the width of a club head in between each ball  here. So it makes the length of your step proper, Nicely demonstrated. The last one was a little  thick, it was just getting a little e right So   sometimes the, when you're a little bit off in  the contact, it turns in your hands and it tends   to derail you. Yeah. But you did brilliantly  on that. Yeah. So stop trying to stay level,   get yourself a proper task. Send grass clippings  to your target with freedom. As long as you have a   specific direction to send those grass clippings  and you're sending them out toward the target,   let the brain take care of doing the  rest for you.

Nice job, Seth. Thank you.